About Wendy
I’m Wendy, an Australian Astrologer based on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Unlike many online astrologers, I’m fully qualified - after extensive training with the prestigious Faculty of Astrological Studies (UK), I’m the proud recipient of their D.F.Astrol.S. I also hold a Practitioners Diploma from the Federation of Australian Astrologers Dip Astro (FAA) and I’m a member of the Australian Professional Astrologers Association. That means I’ve completed counselling training AND undertaking counselling supervision. All up I’ve passed 7 exams (including one of maths and astronomy and six written exams), testing my skills in astrological delineation, forecasting, relationship analysis and general counselling. Not only did I pass my four FAA exams with high distinctions, but I was awarded the Doris Greaves Gold Medal for topping all four exams. When you book a session you can relax, knowing that I’m a technically trained astrologer who knows her stuff!
Here’s me in London, being presented with my diploma by astrology legend Darby Costello. This smile is pure delight at my graduation from the prestigious Faculty of Astrological Studies.
I also know how to talk to people. I’m dedicated to helping people discover their fullest potential through the use of this ancient craft. My down-to-earth and practical approach allows us to explore this ‘woo woo’ topic with humour, wisdom and astrological expertise.
I’ll demystify and talk you through your energetic blueprint, to help you live more in alignment with current planetary cycles (both long and short-term).
Feeling good? Let’s capitalise on it and chase opportunities. Feeling crap? Let me pass you the tissues and offer a non-judgemental shoulder to cry on before exploring when things will turn around. Feeling confused, stuck or facing a big decision? Let’s peek at the planets to see what forces are currently at play.
I can help you pick a wedding date, give insights into your kids and partner, explain why your boss is so difficult and explore if moving to Mykonos is really a good idea.
Having turned 51, I’ve kind of seen it all. I’ve been single and married. I’ve had kids, jobs, house moves and all sorts of life dilemmas. I’ve experienced loss, waded through personal crisis and gathered plenty of wisdom along the way. No problem is too big or too small. Let’s chat on Zoom and I’ll engage you in a life-altering conversation about just where you fit into this crazy universe.
But don’t just take my word for it, here’s a recent customer review…
“After experiencing a major life-changing event I wanted to understand what was happening astrologically at the time and Wendy did an excellent job of explaining this. She is clearly super knowledgeable on the technical aspects of astrology and combined with her lovely personal style, this is an experience I'd highly recommend.” - Christie, 2022.