
Astrology services explained in this quick video

Astrology sessions are counselling-style conversations that can take place over Zoom, on the phone, or in my office in Newport, Sydney, Australia. I also provide written reports. Full info below!


Full Natal (birth chart) consultation

  • A full natal consultation is a dive into the map of the sky at the moment you were born, which reveals your personality blueprint. We explore all the complex parts that make you, uniquely you, including the gifts and challenges that you have to work with in this lifetime.

  • We complete our session with a brief forecast overview of your upcoming year.

Zoom, phone or in-person (Newport)
Includes recording, chart & forecasting sheet

60mins | $149 | Get started

Introductory mini-reading (in person)

  • New to astrology? Try a mini-reading. During this consultation, we’ll dive into your ‘big 3’ - your Sun, Moon and Ascendent signs - to see how they form your core self.

  • We then locate you in your ‘here and now’ to see what energetic weather you’re currently experiencing.

  • Expect to have your mind blown!

Zoom, phone or in-person (Newport)
Includes recording & birth chart PDF

30 mins | $75 | Get started


Cosmic Insights - Your astrology chart essentials

  • The perfect astrology taster! New to astrology? This personalised written PDF report explains the basics of astrology and the basics of a birthchart before diving into explanations of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant, according to their sign and house placement.

  • It also includes intriguing information on your life’s lesson and higher purpose, as seen through the Chiron, Black Moon Lilith, North and South Node placements.

  • We finish off with a reference guide to Tarot cards, flowers and crystals that fit with your chart.

  • A wonderful gift for your astrologically curious loved ones!
    PDF file delivered via email within 7 days | $30 | Get started

Kid’s written reports (ages 0-16)

  • Understand your children! This beautifully presented 5-page written PDF report, explores your child’s natal chart. It includes general astrology information, at-a-glance guides for their natal placements and a 600-700 word written summary, outlining themes in their chart including insights on their interests, abilities and how they need to be nurtured.

  • Please note, this is a bespoke astrology interpretation, done by me, NOT a computer-generated report as you’ll find elsewhere on the internet.

  • Makes a great newborn gift!
    PDF file delivered via email within 7 days | $75 | Get started

Auspicious Wedding dates

  • Trying to pick a date to get married? Use Electional astrology to find the most auspicious date and time.

  • This written report provides an astrological assessment of up to three dates for a wedding. Each day is assessed for Pros & Cons and specific times to say ‘I do’ are provided with brief explanations.

  • If you can provide birth times for both parties, I can add more accurate information, assessing how a date fits each person.

  • The report also provides an explanation of electional astrology.

  • Makes a unique engagement gift!
    PDF file delivered via email within 7 days | $145 | Get started


Year ahead forecasting (in-person)

  • A great birthday treat! An in-depth look at the energetic year ahead. During this consultation we explore planetary cycles and interactions using the techniques of transits, progressions, solar arcs and solar returns.

Only for returning clients, who’ve previously had a natal reading.
Zoom, phone or in-person (Newport)
Includes recording, chart and forecasting sheet
45 mins | $110 | Get started

Astrology questions

  • Got a question around the timing of events or decision making? See what the planets are doing and get an astrological perspective!

  • Also perfect for astro-devotees wanting to chat through advanced details of their natal chart or upcoming dynamics.

Only for returning clients, who’ve previously had a natal reading.
Zoom, phone or in-person (Newport)
Includes recording

30 mins | $95 | Get started

Relationship dynamics

  • Compare how your chart relates to those of your loved ones (including partners, parents, kids, friends and colleagues).

  • Please note that accurate birth data is needed for the best insights.

  • Allow 1 session for each chart you wish to compare.

Only for returning clients, who’ve previously had a natal reading.
Zoom, phone or in-person (Newport)
Includes recording

30 mins | $95 | Get started

Relocation Astrology (Astrocartography)

  • Thinking of moving cities or countries? Check to see how the new location will shift your natal chart’s energy.

  • Assess up to 3 locations in this session

Only for returning clients, who’ve previously had a natal reading.
Zoom, phone or in-person (Newport)
Includes recording and relocation chart PDFs

30-40 mins | $95 | Get started

Follow-up sessions

  • Keen to keep talking about your chart? If time permits, we can extend the session, or reschedule another time, at quarter hour increments.

15 mins | $35


“A chart reading proves that we’re not on this planet by accident. Watching your life unfold in time with the planets is an incredible experience…”

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.