Frequently Asked Questions

What is Astrology?

Astrologers believe that our lives are influenced by the energy around us. The movements of the planets around the zodiac indicate the current energetic ‘weather’ and it changes, minute to minute. Whenever something is ‘birthed’ (be it a person, business or event), it is imprinted with the energy of that moment, creating a ‘birth chart’ that maps all the possibilities for its owner’s entire lifetime. Gradually this chart evolves and is impacted by ongoing planetary motions. The resulting life cycles and ‘pinch points’ bring times of joy and times of challenge. This is your personal astrological ‘weather’.

How does Astrology work?

Astrologers explore the symbolic meanings of the planets, stars and asteroids that encircle us. We examine their ‘quality’ by where they sit in the zodiac. We examine how the planets and points connect to each other (aspects). We interpret these influences and examine how they manifest in our everyday lives.

For forecasting, Astrologers use transits, progressions, directions, solar returns and annual profections (amongst others). There are different techniques for synastry (relationship analysis), Astrolocality (relocation) and elections (events).

You might know your Sun sign, but what about your Moon sign, your Rising Sign or your Ascendent? Or your Mars, North Node or Midheaven? You need an experienced, qualified astrologer to help you understand the large amount of insight contained in your birth chart and how it all fits together.

What happens at a reading?

An initial astrological reading or consultation takes between 60-75 minutes. We start with your birth chart, which is your personal ‘blueprint’. We delve into your personality, exploring the contradictions and talents that make you a complex human. Fully understanding your birth chart is a powerful tool for true self acceptance. Accept the areas of yourself that frustrate you and recognise the talents that are still waiting to be unlocked. Understand your instinctive responses and your tendency to repeat behaviours.

We finish the session by forecasting your upcoming year, exploring the current planetary energies and how they might play out for you. Forecasting helps you to ride out life’s cycles, stretching during times of opportunity and finding grace and patience during times of struggle.

Astrology helps us create empowered and happy lives. In times of confusion, pain, inertia or opportunity, this ancient art can give you the clarity you need to take your next step.

Are astrology predictions accurate?

Like most modern, ethical Astrologers, I work with ‘forecasting’ planetary cycles rather than ‘predicting’ specific events. I can see if love looks likely this year, but I can’t guarantee that you’ll meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger.

Come along and see what astrology can do for you!