2024 Astrology horoscopes - Taurus

Taurus 2024 astrology forecast and horoscope

Welcome to 2024 Taurus! After a few tumultuous years, some of the astrological heat comes away from your sign this year. The eclipse axis has shifted, meaning an end to some of the tougher, out-of-the-blue events that may have plagued you since 2022.

Since May 2023, Jupiter has been wandering through your sign, bringing a juicy goodness. This planet provides confidence and a general sense of wellbeing. For Taureans, the urge can be to take this comforting warmth and snuggle with it deeply under the covers, languishing in joy and calm. Just you, Jupiterian abundance and perhaps a box of chocolates. However this transit of plenty only comes around every 12 years. There are gifts and opportunities falling at your feet and the astrological advice would be to push through any sense of complacency and make hay while the sun shines. You’ve only got until May 26 to make the most of this energy, so get cracking.

So while the eclipse chaos has subsided, Uranus does continue it’s slow trek through your sign. Those of you born from May 10-20 are in the spotlight this year. This planet is the ‘awakener’, and can bring a restlessness and urge to rebel from routine - to make sudden changes and find more authentic pathways. This doesn’t sit so comfortably with Taureans who tend to cling tightly to their ‘known’ worlds. In fact, Taureans will often tolerate a pretty negative but predictable situation rather than break free in order to look for something more beneficial. 

So Uranus could bring all sorts of uncomfortable, bubbling feelings to the surface. The best way to tackle this energy is to lean into it. Assess what you can comfortably change in your life. And change it. It can be a great idea to get in front of this energy to channel it consciously. Otherwise, you may find yourself the victim of ‘Uranus’ events that force you to accept adjustments into your life. And that may feel pretty scary. So accept that life needs to be jiggled about and set about doing your own jiggling.

This energy is at its strongest around April 21. Those of you born May 10-17 may experience ‘out of character’ moments, with insights and inspiration possible. It’s the universe talking to you - so listen.

From June onwards, the year settles somewhat. Mars does move through in June/July, bringing a bit of energy which can be helpful. Save tasks that need good physical stamina for then. 

Apart from that, September is the other notable date when Uranus turns retrograde - people born May 17-19 will feel this unsettled energy.

For those of you born in April, Pluto returns to Aquarius, squaring your Sun. This brings some pressured situations that force you to adapt somehow. Work is the obvious place for this energy to manifest. It’s a slow grind type of vibe that Taureans can deal with quite well. You have a natural stamina that can be extremely successful right now. You may be feeling more ruthless than usual - use this decisiveness to cull parts of yourself that seem redundant. End toxic scenarios and say goodbye to controlling people. It’s an added bit of backbone to the legendary Taurean stubbornness - people would be foolish to challenge you this year.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: January 27 - Uranus Direct; April 21 - Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus; May 26 - Jupiter departs; September 1 - Uranus turns Retrograde.

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


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