Energy update - Sun sextile Mars

Get ready to harness a powerful fortnight ahead.

Emotional rumblings from the past few weeks have eased, replaced by a power-packed configuration of the Sun (conscious living), Mars (assertion), Jupiter (growth) and Pluto (transformation). All sitting at the beginnings of their signs, we’ve entered a couple of days full of opportunities and motivation. We have the chance to deliberately take brave, thoughtful action in several areas of our lives (look to your Gemini and Leo houses).

Make the most of this strong energy! It’s perfect for realigning yourself with your higher ‘good’. Cancel out of events that don’t serve you. Say a polite ‘no’ to people who are trying to distract you or guilt you into their agenda - stay focused on yourself and what you need.

With a strong Taurus influence still at work, our focus is practical and real world. Trust your gut and inner knowing. Basically, tell everyone else to bugger off, you’re busy.

Special mentions:

Happy birthday Gemini! Life settles down now after the frenetic activity that dates right back to mid 2022. A rest may be welcome. The next few weeks offer positive opportunities to assert yourself and take the lead. Your thinking is more methodical and practical than usual. Combining this thoughtfulness with positive motivation seems like a great combination for getting something underway.

Your section of the Zodiac has been pretty quiet in recent times. But no more! Mars has just moved into your sign, bringing a whoosh of drive and motivation that has you back, looking for action. With Pluto now retrograde and Jupiter into Taurus, things may not drop into your lap quite the way you’d like, but no bother, a Leo on a mission is impossible to stop - get stuck in and manifest whatever it is you want.


How to deal with your Gemini partner, parent, child or co-worker


What are aspects in Astrology?