Full Moon Week

Full Moon week header

If this week’s stars were a celebrity, they would be J-Lo. There’s an interesting strong/soft accessible/inaccessible vibe to the planetary energies that has me humming “Jenny from the Block”. J-Lo seems to be the ultimate combo of illusion/effort/luck and POWER, all wrapped up in a glamorous ‘look at me’ energy that does’t grate or seem too ridiculous. Which is pretty amazing for a lady of a certain age.

Friday’s Full Moon sees the Sun and Moon straddling the Virgo/Pisces axis, which covers the dilemmas of criticism vs. acceptance, organisation vs. chaos and analysis vs intuition. That’s the accessible/inaccessible bit – It’s a full moon asking, “What do you know?” versus “What do you feel?” How much will you follow your logic versus your instincts? Happening around sunset on the Aussie east coast, this Full Moon energy is likely to play out in our relationships. Are you currently bringing empathy to your partnerships? Or are you being too nit-picky? How much of yourself are you giving vs. taking? Spend some time giving these topics some thought.

The strong/soft reference is because of the huge amount of Pisces energy that still has us all a bit swept up. The Sun/Neptune/Jupiter/Mercury in Pisces is glorious – so much charm and mystique with a dash of intelligence, luck and confidence. Very J-Lo, no? It’s an energy that lets us fall back in love in our 50s, with the belief that this time he won’t be a dick who drinks too much and disappoints us (disillusionment and alcohol are the shadow side of Pisces).

Adding grunt to the girlie vapours of this week is Pluto, coming up to sextile the Sun – this is the POWER. The strength. The no-bullsh*t. As soft and beguiling as J-Lo is, you get the strong sense that the minute Ben-Affleck steps out of line, she will tear him to pieces and wreak as much vengeance as he deserves. Go girl. Respect.

And that’s this week’s Full Moon. Use the calm, the charm and the hope this week. And know that you have all the superpowers you need to take control of your life, whenever you’re ready.

Special mentions:

This is a charmed, glorious week to be you, Pisceans. The world really is your oyster. Friday’s Full Moon dials up the intensity and gives you gifts that prove that God really is a woman, who has our backs and is ready to dish out the abundance we seek. Enjoy.

The week starts calmly, but towards the end of next weekend, you may be feeling like your pants are on fire. There is a flashpoint coming for you later on Sunday or early next week. Try to stay open minded and roll with any heated situations.

The second half of this week may feel overwhelming as you fight to keep everything under control. There’s so much opportunity around, but you may feel unable to capture it as successfully as you’d like. Try to relax and know that the next couple of weeks may hold several special moments. Stay in the moment and enjoy each one.

What do you like? What are you motivated about? What can you dedicate yourself to? Think about it. Write a list and see what appears in response to all three questions. This is your ultimate answer – the utopian goal that you should drive toward relentlessly.


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