Planetary energies July 10-16

Mars moves into Virgo on Tuesday, leaving Venus solo in Leo where she is prepping for her upcoming retrograde. After the sexy glow of recent weeks, doubt and criticism may sneak into relationships and thoughts could turn to how healthy your situation really is. Beware someone bullying and nitpicking. Stand your ground.

The mood lightens as the Moon shifts into Gemini on Thursday. Schedule your socialising for Thurs/Fri nights. Mercury is now in early Leo, adding warmth and generosity to social exchanges - conversation should be fun and free-flowing.

While the vibe seems high on the surface, some seeds of discontent have now been sown. There’ll be more to this story over coming weeks with shifting nodes and Pluto rumbling away in the background.

Special mentions:

Birthday folks have a quieter year ahead with some opportunities for healing past wounds. Of course in order to identify your wounds, you need to sink into them for a bit, and there could be some ebb and flow with this process. On the one hand, re-experiencing pain is unpleasant, but on the other, diving into yourself brings the chance for renewal and true progress.

Mercury arrives and Mars leaves Leo this week. Some of your combativeness may fade, replaced by a ‘let’s talk it out’ diplomacy. Which all sounds great, so long as you can stay flexible - avoid overconfidence in your ‘rightness’.

Mars shifts into your sign adding energy and verve. And your ruling planet, Mercury is now more extroverted in Leo. You’ll feel feistier than usual, perhaps more determined to confront a problem that’s been swirling. August-born Virgos may find there’s an added self-belief that fills you with purpose and confidence. Make the most of this energy before the nodes shift in 10 days.

You’re urged to chat this week and open yourself up to the transformative power of deep, challenging, and truthful conversation. Your usual strategies of brooding and suspicion just won’t cut it - say your piece, ask for feedback, listen. Tensions could be surprisingly easy to solve with this crazy new technique :D.


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