Welcome to ‘Retrograde Summer’

Unlike the ‘Brat Girl Summer’ that our Northern friends got to experience in 2024 (all lime green messy fun with no f**ks given), we in the Southern Hemisphere are headed for a ‘Retrograde Summer’, with three personal planets consecutively turning backwards from Nov - April. What can we expect? Let’s dive in…

What is a Retrograde?

From our view on earth, planets have periods where they appear to go backwards. It’s a visual trick as we spin around the central sun at various speeds. Think of a merry-go-round - you’re all going forwards, but out of the corner of your eye, the opposite horses seem to move in reverse. That’s basically what the planets are doing.

What does a Retrograde do?

Each planet symbolises an energy and when retrograde, the energy is reversed in some way. Perhaps you’re revisiting things, redoing something, or integrating something that’s happened before. It can be a shift in perspective, a more internalised time where you’re called on to bolster the energy that’s fizzled. It can raise questions, pivot events and recalibrate an area of your psyche and your life. 

Do all planets Retrograde?

Yes, except the Sun, which we spin around, and the Moon, which spins around us. Planets from Jupiter outwards have a pretty regular schedule of four-six months a year. Mercury, Venus and Mars are ‘personal planets’ with quick orbits. Mercury retrogrades three times a year for three weeks. Venus retrogrades five times every eight years for 40 days, and Mars retrogrades every couple of years for 70ish days. To have the three inner planets retrograde like this isn’t unheard of, it’s more notable because it gives major retrograde vibes to this Summer.

What is a shadow period?

This diagram illustrates what a shadow period is. The shadow period is the entire time the planet spends within the retrograde degrees, regardless of motion. In this example, we know the planet will retrograde at 22º and return to 7º before turning direct again. So the shadow begins when the planet first hits 7º and leads up to 22º. After the retrograde it’s the period of time it takes the planets to get back past 22º. The period before can be a precursor - giving clues to what the upcoming retrograde will be about. The period after can be a time of easing, when retrograde events are integrated and resolved. They’re relevant, but not as potent as the actual retrograde period. They’re still worth paying attention to as they bookend the influence. 

2024/2025 Summer Retrogrades:

Mercury Retrograde: Nov 27 - Dec 16
(shadow Nov 7 - Jan 3) - Sagittarius

Mercury Retrogrades are common (three each year), and we expect Mercurial topics such as communication, thinking, transport, planning and technology to be muddled. Expect mixed messaging, party plans going awry, last minute changes, but also fun and unexpected social interactions. Mercury Retro and Christmas can be a stressful combo, but luckily there’s still time to get properly organised after this period ends. As I always recommend, do whatever you like during this period, however don’t ASSUME anything. Double check bookings, warranties, details. Personally, I would not buy new tech or Christmas gifts during this period.

Mars Retrograde: Dec 7 - Feb 25
(shadow Oct 5 - May 3) - Cancer/Leo

This is the big daddy of the year and it colours the entire Summer strongly. It’s tightly tied into the US election and whatever kerfuffle occurs between election and inauguration days. When Mars is retrograde we can really internalise anger, or express it unhelpfully. Aggression seeps out, we question our motivations. Life can feel inflamed - perhaps injuries don’t heal, illness hangs about. We’re accident prone, being careless, fighting ourselves and the world. Expect your routine to be disrupted. Your motivation may fluctuate and you may change your mind about what you’re wanting to pursue. Some of this energy can be helpful, to question and make change where needed. But often it’s just a pretty frustrating period when things ‘stick’ and you can’t seem to resolve anything. 

What a Mars retrograde does is trap Mars in one part of your natal chart for an extended period of time. We are already in the shadow period for this event. Topics and themes may already be triggered. See where Cancer and Leo are in your chart. The topics of these houses will be inflamed, activated and frustrated. Physical energy may need to be channelled here during this period. 

Venus Retrograde: Mar 3 - Apr 14
(shadow Jan 29 - May 16) - Pisces/Aries

This is how we exit the Summer. And it’s highlighting a really potent part of the Zodiac that is lit up this year with both Saturn and Neptune making big shifts over these degrees. I suspect it’s a more fashion-and-cultural-zeitgeist type of shift. Perhaps there’s a new fad/genre of music or a movie that sets the tone. The last Retrograde began on the same day that ‘Barbie’ was released. It can be a fantastic time for women and feminist causes as we break out of the traditional ‘female’ roles and help ourselves to what we desire. On a personal level, it can be a time of unusual aesthetic choices and decisions in relationships. You may question your current relationship or suddenly find a friend or acquaintance attractive. You might find yourself drawn to a colour you’ve never worn or caught up in illicit dalliances. Have fun and go with your impulses, but be aware that you may shift back to your old values/preferences once the shadow period is over. ‘Ick’ might set in if you’ve been romancing a mate or the newly bought clothes might never get worn again. Relationships started now may not last. Definitely avoid moving in together and don’t suddenly shave your head or get lip filler. You’ll probably regret it.

Venus retrogrades are an 8 year cycle. Think back to Mar 5 - Apr 16, 2017 for clues about themes that might repeat this year. 

And there you have it. Retrograde Summer is underway and continues through until May. It has chapters. Mercury first, then Mars, mopped up by Venus. My advice? Keep a journal and track it all - lining up life events with astrology is an endlessly interesting exercise. Knowing why you may be responding in unusual ways can be helpful. Suddenly angry in January? Wanting a facelift in March? Just chill out and wait. Make final decisions AFTER the shadow periods end. 


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