A culmination point

Gemini full moon banner image

Thursday’s Full Moon is this week’s astrological highlight (3.08pm, AEST, 16 Degrees Gemini/Sagittarius). Sitting tight with Mars, some astrologers are foreseeing a tense and cranky day. The air will definitely be crisp with action, but I’m seeing it more as a motivated push to get things wrapped up before the end of the year.

Any outstanding jobs, chores and tasks can be tackled. It’s probably not fun stuff, since oppositions and square aspects trigger action via discomfort, but if you’ve been procrastinating over something, then this is the week to take action and find completion. It may feel as though recent opportunities have passed, but actually they’ll still available for you to chase down. Finances, loans and debt could all be in the spotlight.

Here in Sydney, the Full Moon forms a harmonious trine to the Ascendent. So we’re in the right place and it’s the right time to manifest something. At the same time, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are squaring off - inspiration can be piled into a strong plan as Sagittarius (adventure) and Capricorn (practicality) energies combine. The midpoints are all leading to a sense of solid aspiration - it seems like a good time to finish off your 2022 ‘to do’ list and start working on your goals for 2023.

Special mentions:

Sag Birthday folks (those born Dec 4-13)
It’s a clear year ahead with a lot of ‘can-do’ vibes. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is in the final degree of Pisces, about to leave and not return for over a decade - make the most of this last gasp of juicy goodness, saviour the year’s inspiration and moments of luck. The Sun sits alone in the sky, giving it space and grace to undertake new ventures unimpeded. Enjoy!

Gemini (especially those of you born June 4-13)
Something that began back in mid 2021 is coming to a culmination point. Hopefully you’ve laid a solid groundwork and can now get really excited as the universe gives you a little energetic push. You’ll be feeling a little more clear and practical in approach once Mercury moves into Capricorn on Wednesday. It’s a pragmatic logic that helps you problem-solve almost anything.

Pisces (especially those born in March)
Wring out the last of the Jupiter goodness over the next couple of weeks. Sitting at 29 degrees of your sign, it brings blessings, luck and opportunity. Don’t dilly dally though - this is the last pass for 11-12 years. Make hay while the sun shines.

Are available now for my mini and full natal chart consultations. They make a fun, unique pressies for those more woo-woo minded family members. PM me for more info.


School holiday ideas for all 12 Sun Signs 


Nov 28 -Dec 4, 2022