Nov 28 -Dec 4, 2022

Since Oct 22, Mars has been ‘retrograde’, backtracking through particular topics and causing frustrations in one area of your life. Problems that may have been irritating, could now be really escalating and wearing you down. When Mercury (communication) and Venus (relating) come to oppose Mars (personal drive) on Wednesday/Thursday, we’re at risk of ‘table flip’ moments where it all just gets too much. Think Prince Charles chucking his pen in an entitled fit of pique. 

So beware of heated conversations, people misunderstanding you and everyone getting a little fired up. It’s fuelled by a thin-skinned Pisces Moon which may be easily offended. Remember to breathe deeply and keep perspective around a situation.

Late week may bring some flakiness with people’s stories changing and the truth being stretched. It’s classic ‘ghosting’ territory on the dating front. Friends could also prove elusive, with plans changing as better offers are made.

But by the weekend we’re on steadier ground - an Aries Moon is more forthright and it’s good skies for clearing up any earlier confusion. Neptune stands still and returns to forward motion, which is a big yay from me - it’s allowing us to resume chasing our dreams. There’s a naivety to Neptune which I love -  it’s less cynical and jaded. It’s lovely stars for taking the kids to Santa or setting up the tree.

Dig out those baubles.

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A culmination point


It’s a good week!