It’s a good week!

header image with chris hemsworth delivering biscuits

Last week’s eclipse tension has eased and we’re now floating around in soothing hug energy (hopefully delivered by someone very attractive). Think Bradley Cooper stopping by to see if you’re ok, or Chris Hemsworth popping in with freshly baked biscuits.

A delicious trine (a 120 degree harmonious aspect) between the Sun/Mercury/Venus and Neptune/Jupiter has us filled with creativity, hope and intuitive relating. It’s a great week for catching up with friends and sharing heartfelt moments.

Pluto sextiles (a 60 degree harmonious aspect) all of these planets, creating a minor grand trine that ensures we don’t waste the gifts on offer. Pluto intensifies and transforms all it touches, so expect to be taking the heart-centred energy and trying to do something useful with it. It might be meaningful socialising or just a whoosh of inspo that gets you organised for Christmas. (I was HORRIFIED to see that it’s only six weeks away.)

By Friday we have both Mercury and Venus shifting into Sagittarius - bringing the start of silly season. Sagittarian exuberance and overindulgence suits this time of year and feeds into the only negative aspect this week - a square (a 90 degree tense aspect) between Mars and Neptune. Expect your imagination to get carried away, to take actions without boundaries or to be oblivious to your true motivations. Basically it’s like living full-time with a couple of martinis on board. This aspect smacks of bad decision making - so perhaps say “no” to that extra drink at the work Christmas party - unless you’re up for adventure, in which case, yell, “shaken, not stirred!”

Special mentions:

Frustrations hover around you with a general sense of agitation and things just not being quite right. This week gives you the hunger to solve this - to put grand plans in place that will transform your life for the better. Dream big, soak in the optimism and start thinking over your plans for 2023.

Scorpio (especially those born Nov 13-22)
It’s your time to shine this week - you’re feeling vital, loving, inspired and hopeful. If it’s your birthday week, then you’re in for a fantastic year ahead. It’s like being given endless tubs of fresh playdoh and getting to create whatever you want. Definitely start to focus on where you want life to go in coming years. There is change ahead, so start to lay the foundations now.

Capricorn (especially those born Jan 13-19)
A burst of hope and confidence has you dreaming of happier times. The last few months have been a bit gruelling, but this week is a real opportunity for you to look ahead and to take the first steps in a fresh direction. You CAN have the happiness and joy you crave. Ride these good vibes and step out to try something new.

Pisces (especially those born March 13-20)
Inspiration builds and this week you benefit from confidence and increased mental clarity that allows you to make meaningful steps in any project you choose. The skies are supporting your natural inclination towards being heart-led. It’s a nice change from the boring logic that usually misunderstands you, so make the most of it and get out and about.


Nov 28 -Dec 4, 2022


The shake up