The shake up

Header image for Taurus Lunar Eclipse

This week’s astrology is all about Tuesday night’s Lunar eclipse (10.02pm AEDT). It’s visible from Australia’s East Coast so make sure you look up for the show.

It’s a bit of a doozy - that’s technical astro speak of course, explaining that Uranus is involved. Sitting with the Moon it brings agitation, rebellion, and reinvention. Inspiration and breakthroughs are possible, but in all honesty, that phrase is me working hard, trying to find the positive side of some pretty shitty stars.

Saturn (hardships, structure) and Mercury (communication, mindset) join in and Mars (aggression, drive) is active too. And everything is connecting via tense aspects. There’s a tug-o-war type vibe. Stuff is clashing. And this may manifest as different parts of yourself, and your life, rubbing in abrasive ways. Watch out for chafing!

The universe is demanding closure, change and a bit of upheaval this week. It’s the type of energy that triggers earthquakes, both literal and metaphorical.

Fear not though - this is our last pinch point of the year - with things turning much cheerier in a week or two. Ride out this week and see what is revealed in your world. Keep in mind that the best life lessons and most meaningful personal progress is made under a bit of pressure.

Special mentions:

Taurus (particularly those of you born Apr 30-May 11)
There’s been an ongoing life topic that has been unsettled and this week may be a pivot point that helps you to turn a corner. Taurus’s biggest issues with times like these can be accepting that change has to happen and finding the agility needed to adjust. Take a moment to honestly appraise what you need to do differently - and start the change process yourself. That will be preferable to sticking your head in the sand and waiting for the universe the make the changes for you.

You’re in the cheap seats, watching this week’s show. There may be much to gasp and cheer about. You’ll feel fired up and ready to add your two-cents worth, but make sure you really assess situations before you get involved. Your contributions may not be fully appreciated.

Scorpios (particularly those of you born Nov 1-14)
It’s time to dig down and investigate the deepest recesses of your life. What’s working? What needs to change? Pop on the rubber gloves, get out the scourer and be ruthless. Purge. It could be a cathartic and cleansing process. But remember to keep some focus on yourself and not just on your circumstances. Don’t blame everyone else. If you’re having issues in multiple areas then the problem may just be you. Detach and be honest about how you need to also edit yourself.

Aquarius (particularly those of you born Feb 3-12)
You are surprisingly in control this week as a drama plays out around you. Your willingness to look at things laterally could lead you to instigate some unusual but effective plans. Share your insights with co-workers and family members - remember to keep your ‘feedback’ helpful, not didactic. Coach, don’t boss. Strategically help people and you will be able to get everything done your way. It’s a tricky tightrope, so tread carefully.

Pisces (particularly those of you born March 11-20)
You lot should escape much of the turmoil that is set to descend this week. Avoid being distracted and keep your eyes forward and focused on all that you’re hoping to achieve in coming months. There are blessings around you for the rest of this year - don’t waste them by being too worried about others.


It’s a good week!


Mars Retrograde