Mars Retrograde

Every two years, Mars, the planet of courage, aggression and physical energy ‘retrogrades’ for two months. This can bring disruptions to our routine and motivations. It makes us question our goals, and brings frustrations and postponements. You may find yourself procrastinating, feeling more hostile or revisiting old grievances. 

Some of this is positive. It breaks your ‘rut’ and makes you question any outmoded behaviours. It allows you to release repressed issues and anger. It helps you to revise and update your goals.

This retrograde is long and contained entirely within Gemini - find this part of your natal chart and you’ll get clues around which personal story will be impacted. For example, Gemini is my 4th house of home and family. It’s a good time for me to reassess real estate goals, make changes to where I put effort into my family and relinquish outmoded habits. A positive manifestation would be choosing to do less pointless housework and trying to argue less with my teenagers.

Mars retrograde can also be negative, with frustrations erupting as outbursts and misplaced aggressions. A negative manifestation would be me being passive aggressive about my domestic workload and absolutely losing my shit.

Both outcomes are possible. The joy of astrology is that I’m aware of the surrounding energy and can try to wisely keep my perspective and choose the positive path forwards.

So look at your chart, find Gemini, and see which life topics could be a source of frustration between now and early January. Watch out for added spiciness and family tensions over Christmas. Remember that Gemini rules communication.

On a macro level, we’ve seen a couple of sad Mars Retrograde events manifesting - the deadly crowd surge in Korea is a sad but interesting example - too much energy, without an outlet, leading to an internalised, self destructive and tragic outcome. And in India, people have died with a bridge collapse. Again, a build up of internalised energy and pressure, suddenly giving way detrimentally.

Keep those incidents in mind when you’re dealing with your own issues. Put measures in place that allow useful and wise release of any frustrations. Channel and direct the energy into helpful outcomes.

Special mentions:

You guys get smashed with this. Mars is in your sign from August 2022 - late March 2023. You are being FORCED to deal with core personal motivations and this may be extremely frustrating. Your temper is heightened and your words could be sharper than usual. On the plus side, your thinking is more ambitious and driven and this could be a brilliant time to set some goals that help direct your talents. If you’re feeling jittery, or suffering insomnia, reinstate exercise routines and exert some of the energy that way.

As your ruling planet, Mars Retrograde may bring an element of frustration and sense of swirling around endlessly in your own thoughts and ambitions. Try to avoid extrapolating scenarios out and focus on the here and now. Hit the gym, train for a marathon, anything to help you expel some energy without letting aggressions and grievances get the best of you.

Mars co-rules your sign and combined with an eclipse season, this may be a period of unexpected and unsettling events. Try to stay flexible and avoid recklessness. Mars can bring accidents, so avoid taking on anything too risky just now. Your sex drive may be revved up - it’s a good time to explore some written erotica or send your partner some saucy texts. ;)


The shake up


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