Solar eclipse horoscopes

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Here's how the Oct 25 Solar eclipse may impact all 12 Sun signs...

Your recent ‘busyness’ eases and a vague frustration could seep in as you sense that exciting, new things are happening to other people but not to you. As little as you may welcome it, these next couple of months bring a good opportunity for you to stop and see what you need to learn in order to proceed with more success once Mars turns direct again in early January. Pick up a book or enrol in a quick course.

Partnerships dominate and this eclipse may be a pivot point in an existing relationship or a starting point for a new one. It’s a passionate time and if you’re fresh in love, watch out for obsessive qualities or too much fixation on the object of your desire. And the same works in reverse - avoid partners trying to be too controlling. Come up for air.

Ever been on the Pirate Ship carnival ride? The one that swings up and pauses just for a split second before plunging in the opposite direction? That’s you right now - up in the tiny pause after a big swing. You’re about to change direction which may cause both relief and terror. Try to use this period to think things through properly, to see what you really want and amend your plans to suit.

Passions are stirred with this eclipse and a change/new adventure could be possible or even necessary as secrets are revealed. Money seems to be under the spotlight and it’s possible that financial arrangements are unearthed that could include inheritances and windfalls. Money can be both a gift and a curse - avoid power struggles with loved ones over it.

Fresh starts in circumstances surrounding you are creating tension. Attention is away from you (which you’re never a fan of) and you may be feeling a bit untethered, or suspicious of proceedings. Try to feel less affronted by events and take the opportunity for a clean slate and a healthy bit of renewal in at least one area of your life, if not a couple.

You’re fired up and motivated to get everything back in order. Things might be feeling a bit out of control and in disarray, which doesn’t suit you at all. This could be in a relationship rather than a physical way and you could spend this eclipse season playing peacemaker - running around after people, patching things up and trying to fix wounds.

Emotions may be heightened at the moment as you’re dragged into other people’s dramas. You may be asked to pick a side. Keep your thinking and approach positive and you should be fine. You’re in the right place and right time to hear and think about new opportunities. Take some initiative and start something new.

BIG week for all of you, especially those of you born Oct 22-29. Wildcard energy is giving you a jumpstart to your next life stage. Something is starting. Unexpected events, culminations and beginnings are possible over the next fortnight. Investigate everything but avoid getting trapped in limited thinking. Your mind may feel freer after Friday.

You’re a bit removed from this week’s drama. You may be feeling uncharacteristically reflective and self-focused, and ready for a quieter time over the next month. There’s a watery quality to your inner world that reflects the rain in the outer world throughout Eastern Australia. Go with the flow and see what you can observe.

The recent few months of delays come to a close and you’re about to start making progress again. You may have felt quite blocked for years! And the last few months have been gruelling. Life is about to move on in 2023 with opportunities on their way. You can relax and have a rest.

The world has gone mad around you - everyone is stuck in emotions, obsessing over material comforts and a pointless chase for status. You’re suspicious of it all. Work on reforming and regrouping your ideas around how you want to live and get ready to move forward in the new year.

Inspiration returns. Some of the busy energy from earlier this year returns this week. Along with it is a sense of optimism and a chance to rekindle any ventures that may have fizzled over recent months. This period is a chance to revisit and edit your path, to figure out why you’ve gotten off track and how to get restarted.

Take care with this crazy energetic week!

Wendy x


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