If Scorpio were a woman

Scorpio takes centre stage this week with the Sun, Venus and Mercury all visiting, as well as eclipse season kicking off at 2 degrees Scorpio next Tuesday. Let’s deep dive….

Scorpio traits include intensity, emotions, a strategic approach to getting needs met, an ability to dig deeply into taboo topics and an ability to transform their way through life. A ‘fixed’ sign, they can dig their heels in, resist change and be keen to control their circumstances. They are loyal, dedicated, sexy and ardent and they demand these qualities in return. Do not cross them - they have long memories.

Depending on whether you have a Scorpio Sun, Moon or Ascendent, these traits will be displayed quite differently, with the ferocity diluted through the addition of other sign placements. 

The more placements in Scorpio, the more you will experience these attributes, with all three major placements here, you are like to be strong, ferocious, determined, sexual and resilient. Both Katy Perry and Bjork have this - they are pure Scorpio in female form.

Are they similar? They both seem focused, unstoppable and driven (Scorpio is ruled by Mars). Neither are shrinking violets. Both can speak their mind and show their displeasure. 

There are similarities in their biographies. Both were raised in intense situations - Perry with a religious family, Bjork in a commune. Both pursued careers as teenagers. Perry recorded Gospel music while Bjork joined punk bands. Both needed to transform themselves to find success.

Perry has the more ‘Scorpio’ chart, and her biography is on point - born to strict, born-again Christians, she released a Gospel album that flopped before changing her name, genre and presentation to find enormous success with a sexy, taboo song ‘I kissed a girl’. 

Astrology chart for celebrity Scorpio, Katy Perry

Astro lesson: Perry has an incredible chart. See all those planets together down there in Scorpio? They look intense, right? And yes, they are. Perry is not an easy going person. She is absolutely driven, and extremely focused on herself and what she needs. The Venus in Sagittarius gives her the ‘fun’ feel and Mars and Jupiter in Capricorn brings a pragmatic quest for success. She is a MACHINE - with stamina, resilience, and incredible focus. The nodal axis is showing that this selfishness comes easily to her - and her biggest life lesson may just be learning how to tone down the drama and devote herself reliably to a partner.


She is receiving contacts from both upcoming eclipses - A solar eclipse on her Sun/Pluto (exact) and a lunar on her Saturn/Moon. These planets rule many topic areas in her life, so we can expect some big, sudden, unexpected and dramatic events to happen in her world over the next few months. Eclipses are wild cards. Changes are possible in her career, potential illness and hospital stays, issues with her siblings and house moves (perhaps with an overseas component). 


Bjork cops the Nov 8 eclipse right on her Ascendent. Again, we’d expect to see the start of a transformative period for her, impacting her core self and physical body. This is likely to be the culmination moment of an unsettled few years that has seen Uranus transiting her Descendent. I’d expect relationship upheaval under these skies, and a need for her to remake herself. Luckily Scorpios are perfectly equipped to take on challenges that would shatter lesser women.

Good luck ladies!


Solar eclipse horoscopes


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