Disney Princess week

Uranus and Saturn reach their 2022 crescendo this week, giving an underlying scratchy feeling that may have you feeling a bit stuck and revisiting Covid-era issues. 

Luckily there’s also some lovely stuff happening. The Sun and Venus are tightly tied together in late Libra, bringing a Disney Princess-esque quality. It’s like Libra on Ecstacy. Expect some deadset HAPPY PLEASANTNESS - but with an edge. Pluto chimes in mid week - so our desires might be changing or under pressure in some way. Who exactly are you? And what exactly do you want?

The waning Leo Moon is a great time to be selfish and reflective. Check in with yourself. How are you? What’s going on with you right now? Try creative pursuits to get in touch with exactly where you’re at. Use the helpful Mars trines (Tuesday/Wednesday) to harness your confidence and to bolster your motivations. Diarise in some sexy time with your partner. 

Next Sunday, Sun + Venus both hit Scorpio - leading us towards the first eclipse of the season (Oct 25). There may be bumps into November, so enjoy this week, with all of its beauty, pleasures and discoveries. 

So in tribute to the Sun/Venus/Libra week, here’s my guess for matching Disney Princess to Sun signs. It’s silly but fun, and fits nicely with this week’s vibe.


If Scorpio were a woman


Aries Full Moon