Australia Votes!
And the winner is……
Australia votes tomorrow - an exciting day that means that campaigning is ALMOST OVER. Thank God. I can finally switch the news back on.
So who will win? Astrologers often don’t mind a political punt, but I’ll be honest - their track record isn’t always great. To make a judgement you can look at the charts of either leader (and we don’t have good birth data for Albo) and you can cast a chart for when the polls open tomorrow morning at 8am. So it gets complicated.
The 8am chart looks better for Albo than Morrison, and it seems to call for change (Chart ruler Mercury trining Pluto, and the Sun at 29 deg Taurus). But Morrison’s chart looks pretty good at the moment, so there’s a lot of mixed messages.
What I’m more confident about is that the outcome won’t be quick or simple. Mercury is retrograde after all. Last time this happened was a hung parliament with Gillard needing the rest of the retrograde period to negotiate with the independents to form government. If the same happens this time, then we can expect the whole process to drag on for up to two weeks longer before a government is sworn in.
Expect confusion tomorrow night.
There’s a long history of US retrograde elections being a mess - the Bush/Gore one and the recent Biden/Trump one both ended up in ongoing court proceedings. And Presidents Kennedy and Reagan both won confusing retrograde elections only to be shot at during their term in office.
So the lesson? Politicians really need a good astrologer on the payroll before they call the election.
Enjoy your democracy sausage!