The planets: May 23-29, 2022

Happy Monday from Teal Independent heartland! Post-election optimism is being carried by a lovely Sun sextile Jupiter aspect today (energised opportunity and optimism). The world seems fresh and we can all dream of a happier, more compassionate future.

Generally this week is a good time to reassess ideas by dreaming big and applying focused thinking. A minor grand trine with Neptune, Pluto, Retrograde Mercury wants to you find better, more inspired ways to reach your goals.

Once you’ve got your goal, the rest of the week offers two ways to execute it - mid week is assertive and forceful with both Mars and the Moon in Aries. The energy is very 'me-first' and with everyone doing that, relations could be pretty combative. So keep in mind that contentious conversations will be frank, forthright and may possibly go pear-shaped.

By the weekend, the balsamic, Taurus moon is far more settled. If you do need to get tetchy with someone, sit them down somewhere cosy, make them a meal and take on difficult conversations in a less confrontational way. All sorts of unpleasantness can be successfully resolved over cake.

Special mentions:

Pisces (those born March 13-20)
Mars gives you its last bit of grunt this week. If you’ve felt stirred up for the past few weeks, this is the culmination, so don’t put anything off - make the most of the focused, driven energy to get a few things done. By Friday life is really settling back down into a calmer phase.

Aries (all of you)
How are you going with that energy blast from last week? Feeling a bit more like yourself again? If yes, then you’re going to be thrilled to hear that it only intensifies from Wednesday. You’ll be back to full-steam-ahead Aries awesomeness, ready to tackle anything and everything. Best warn everyone around you to stand clear!

Gemini (especially those born May 21-30)
Happy birthday folks! After a few months with not much going on, you’ll be pleased to know that life ramps up from this week. It’s a lovely time for starting new jobs and taking on more responsibility. Be inspired and keep doing your research - within a fortnight you’ll be ready to get going on new plans.

General finance update:
Expect more of the ‘bear market’ type conditions right through winter. A Node/Mars/Uranus conjunction in Early August all squares Saturn - none of which is good news for markets that deal with commodities or crypto. We can expect food shortages and a general feeling of restriction. It’s timing in well with wobbles in the housing market. Definitely don’t feel any pressure to rush in there! But as always, do your own research and consult your financial planner. ;)


Gemini new moon


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