Gemini new moon

Feeling flat? We’re in the last hours of the balsamic moon, ready for a burst of New Moon energy at 9.30pm Monday (AEST). In Gemini, it’s an intense, chatty, inquiring restart energy that may have you a bit jittery by bedtime.

Sitting with fixed star Aldebaran, it encourages you to take the high road at all times. Been mulling over a relationship or feeling slighted by someone? Go high, not low. Shake it off or firmly state your case and reset your boundaries. Avoid gossip - it's harmful and will bite you in the bum.

Something may be clicking into place right now - take this week to nut out plans thoroughly. There may be tension around how to execute things and what you really want to commit to. So get clear on your goals, but avoid actioning much until Mercury goes direct next weekend.

From there it’s a nice little purposeful patch where inspired breakthroughs are possible. Saturday night looks fired up and fun.

Special mentions:

Happy birthday week late May/Early June babies. There’s a bit of tension around you this year - a push to tackle problems, renegotiate boundaries and plans. But don’t fret - the energy is highly useful with opportunities to tackle life-long issues by applying yourself consistently to self improvement. Heads down, bum up.

Saturn is hovering this week, bringing the next chapter in last year’s more difficult life story. You’re being asked to think things over (again). Is the new plan working? Or do you need to make some adjustments? Look at the bigger picture to get good perspective on your problems.


Beanies and uggs


The planets: May 23-29, 2022