Beanies and uggs

Welcome to a cold, windy, wintry day here on the Northern Beaches. My beanie and uggs are GLUED ON. This week’s energy is all totally fine, but early week requires a nose-scrunch as you assess details, deal with life administration and hunker down into a range of jobs that require more thought than you probably want to give them.

Chip away though, because the week gets more interesting with inspired and powerful thoughts and plans possibly coming together as Mercury (now direct) trines with Pluto, completing a recent storyline in some way. Perhaps a project is coming to a close or you’ve finalised plans and are ready to get started on something. Use this week to assess final details and get ready for lift off with the full moon next week. If a project is finishing up, dig deeply to retrieve insights from how events have played out. Did it all go to plan??

The weekend has some more exciting vibes, and unusual, obsessive impulses could come into play. Should you follow through on them? Maybe. Next Sunday has definite ‘what the?!’ moments and social events could take strange and interesting turns. It’s good first date energy, and good stars for starting new creative projects.

Special mentions:

Libran Maureen commented last week that I’ve been neglecting you all, so here I’ll amend that! Generally life in Libra-land has been pretty smooth. This week may see you more jittery than usual with an urge to break free of constraints or old habits. Or you might just buy something that’s a bit away from your usual style or taste.

If you’re born Oct 18-23 then Pluto has been testing your strength for the past few months, possibly causing a crisis around the fundamentals of who you are and what you can control. Power plays could be possible and this is a long-term transit that will play out over 2022/2023. It’s big. See your friendly neighbourhood astrologer for individual insights - it’s not an easy influence to summarise.

Your ruler Mercury is now direct (phew!) and making a supportive trine to Pluto. While life may feel ‘sticky’ - as though you can’t shake something off - you are actually on the up and life will be back to feeling more self-propelling soon. Be patient for another week - the energy is more GO GO GO from Tuesday week.

Mix messages swamp you this week - mostly it’s energising and good. It’s classic ‘when some doors close, others open’ type vibes. Try to not be too fixed on your current pathway forwards - sometimes it’s worth popping off on a tangent to explore more possibilities. Keep the end goal in sight and see where life leads you.


Winter Solstice


Gemini new moon