Winter Solstice

Winter solstice header

Winter Solstice occurs when the Sun shifts into Cancer at 7.15pm (AEST) on Tuesday. Pagan-minded folks might celebrate our Southern Hemisphere version of Yule by hanging mistletoe (whose white berries represent semen, so beware that kiss), lighting candles to acknowledge our deepest descent into darkness or hanging a wreath - the circle of foliage represents the everlasting wheel of life. 

Each solstice reminds me of the weirdness of living south of the equator - it’s a mish-mash of seasons, calendars, cultures and traditions that you need some humour to tackle. Thankfully VIVID in Sydney does a great job of honouring the cold in a brilliant way, as does Dark MOFO in Tassie and Christmas-in-July celebrations. At the very least, bake apples, make pumpkin soup and gather with (non-coughing) friends to make life special.

Astrologically, we can assess the solstice chart to see the tone of coming months. 

Notably Pluto and Venus make an exact trine, with Pluto on the Ascendent of the Sydney chart. This is transformative, deeply sexy, passionate vibes. Aspecting Neptune, there’s a longing for more contact that inspires and deeply moves us. Perhaps after two years of COVID, we’re now fired up, determined to forge new paths and patterns that offer more fulfilling experience.

Special mentions:

I love this for you Aries - this week has your intentions, actions and opportunities all aligned. Go forth and be the best you possible. It’s a lovely week.

Expect strange events during July. There’s a crescendo coming so you may feel tension increasing. Remember that change can be difficult. Mostly though, try to go with the flow and see what unfolds. You might not be in charge quite as much as you’d like just now, but trust in the universe.

It’s time to integrate everything from the last two years. There’s a sense of you dipping a toe in to test the waters. Be brave with whatever you’re unsure about. Have a go and remember that you’ve already laid the foundations. You’ll be fine. While we’re working on a noble path, those around us might not be. Assure loved ones of your intentions and commitment to avoid any power/control issues or problems.

Late Capricorn/Early Aquarius (Jan 15 - 25)
It’s a feel-good week when relationships can feel deeply empowering, enabling you to take on the world. The inspiration is flowing, so write down goals that make you truly excited. Socialising should be fun, with the potential for truly meaningful moments.

Pisces (those born in Feb)
Asteroid Vesta is hovering, asking you to truly dedicate yourself to your aspirations. With your co-ruler, Jupiter, in Aries, it’s the perfect time to be decisive, and a little bit selfish. Take the initiative and dare to put dreams into reality.


Mum wars


Beanies and uggs