Latest astrology horoscopes & insights

The astrology of 2025 is huge
Major planetary shifts mark 2025 as a year for the history books. Here’s a full run down with dates, impacted degrees and how to lean into these changing times.

What are aspects in Astrology?
What are aspects in Astrology? Here’s a quick explainer of what they are, how we track them and how we display them on an astrological horoscope chart

Planetary energies Apr 4-10, 2022
As the Jupiter Neptune Conjunction gets closer, it’s time to Tom (and all of us) to get a bit excited.

What will you DO?
Go with the flow this week, and start thinking about where you’re headed after Friday’s powerful Aries New Moon.

Yes, we can!
It’s a can-do week as unimpeded energy brings together the inspired and the action-packed.

How long will Covid last?
Looking at the stars, here’s my take on how long Covid is going to be interrupting our lives…

When Saturn Returns
Many people know about the ‘Saturn Return’ that happens to us all around age 29-30. But did you know that you have another one between 58-60? Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell have sure found out all about them…