This week’s planetary energy…

This delightful bird-flipping monk completely personifies this week’s energetic weather. 

We’re sitting in the middle of two eclipses and we’ve had a Sun/Uranus conjunction, so you may be feeling a little unsettled. Are you scratching your head and trying to come to terms with developments and shocks from the past fortnight? If you feel mid-drama, then you’ve likely got planets or points over the Scorpio/Taurus axis.

This erratic, agitated energy insists on change and is happy to create events that bring the shifts that you might struggle to initiate on your own. Not happy in your job? Your work might announce a restructure. Thinking of moving house? Lucky, cause your landlord has just served you notice. It’s that kind of vibe… out-of-the-blue type events that may leave you reeling initially, but that you’ll look back on with gratitude. 

The recent Piscean energy is well and truly starting to dissipate, with Jupiter shifting into Aries and bringing a new level of audacity to how we approach our futures. We’ve all been a bit mellow and just going with the flow, but now it’s time to take charge. So it’s a spiritual-meets-combative energy with a bit of ‘what the?!’ Thrown in. Which is why this monk is so perfect. He’s out in the world (Aries) being of service (Pisces) and seeking spiritual enlightenment (Jupiter). But he’s totally not doing what’s expected (Sun/Uranus) and leaving us a bit rattled (Eclipse season).

Take each a day at a time this week. There are some really interesting possibilities. Enjoy any insights and the fresh optimistic energy that’s opening up. But maybe dig out the Rescue Remedy.  

Special mentions:

Taurus: All of you, but especially those born May 1-15.

Been contemplating making some big changes? This is the time to execute them. Don’t fret if plans aren’t fully formed - just get started and you can make adjustments over the next few months. Things are likely to be a bit fluid, so keep focused on the long term goals without being too married to the idea of how you should get there.

Scorpio: All of you, but especially those born Nov 4-20.

We’re building to an eclipse in your sign next Monday, so there’s an empowering, but unsettled energy that may have you on edge. Trust your intuition this week - Mars is adding some extra personal vitality and drive to fight for what you want. Relationships may be undergoing some adjustments that will ultimately take them to a more authentic and satisfying place.

Pisces: especially those born March 6-20

Are you ok? It may feel as though you’re being jolted about a little right now, as if there’s so much you should be doing, but the path of how to do it is all a little confusing. There’s some really helpful, deeply powerful energy available to you over the next 10 days. Make hay while the Sun shines - you’ll have time to rest up later in May.


Happy Eclipse day!


Taurus Solar Eclipse