Science has proved that astrology is real!

It’s safe to say that scientists hate Astrology. Generally they choose to dismiss it without bothering to investigate or understand the systems that underpin it. Which is a shame - such a narrow minded approach seems particularly ‘unsciencey’ to me! 

Until the Enlightenment, Astrology and Astronomy were the same thing. But with the development of scientific thinking, the two fields diverged. Astronomy focused on observing the facts of the planets and stars. Categorising them, focusing on details and trying to solve the origins of the universe. Astronomers ponder the vast mysteries above them with purely clinical eyes.

Astrologers observe the same placements in the sky and seek to find ‘meaning’ from them. To us, the sky is magical, full of spiritual insight and enchantment. The planets and stars aren’t just facts to us, they offer us answers to the vast mysteries of life. 

Astrology is real, but it isn’t scientifically replicable or provable. The complexity of the system ensures that ‘Venus in Leo’ doesn’t manifest the same way, every time. Because all of the planets are constantly shifting, ensuring the planetary combinations of each moment are original. Astrology is not a binary, black/white study. We dwell in the grey zone, making it scientifically impossible.

Scientists want proof of what the causal links of things are, before they’ll give them credence. Astrologers accept that astrology works, without being sure of how. We know from anecdotal evidence that the movements and cycles of the planets impact us individually and as a collective.

So it’s always great to read about scientific breakthroughs that reinforce astrological beliefs. Scientists studying the sun, have decreed that it has an 11 year cycle of activity, which includes a peak and lull of activation. While this has been established for many decades, it’s only in recent years that scientists have also concluded that the Sun’s cycle is actually driven by Venus and Jupiter. You can read all about it here.

So next time someone asks you ‘Is astrology real?’, you can point out that scientists themselves have concluded that the cycles of planets impact the very foundation of our solar system.

And if Venus and Jupiter are capable of impacting the physicality of the Sun, then it’s safe to say that each of us, as teeny Sun-reliant specks of life, are likely to also be impacted. 

While astrologers don’t yet understand the importance of this Sun cycle on society, Financial Astrologers do tie in sunspot activity with stockmarket highs. There’s some pretty convincing data around this, which you can read here.

Currently we’re entering the busiest part of the cycle, with scientists debating exactly when the peak will be. It’s sometime between now and 2025. So let’s keep an eye on that gravity-defying sharemarket over the next couple of years, to see if the Science and Astrology are in agreement, once more. 


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April Sun sign horoscopes