April Sun sign horoscopes

April is a more settled after the big energy shifts of March. Relationships are highlighted with the Full Moon on April 6 (AEST 2.34pm). Expect vulnerability, tenderness and connection. Mid month is calm, before our first eclipse of the year on April 20 (AEST 2.12pm) right in the final minutes of Aries. Seismic activity (both literal and metaphorical) is possible at this time! The following day Mercury turns retrograde, breaking several months of forward momentum. This begins the slow, more internal phase of the year. We have been rollicking along, so this new pace may be welcome.

Your ruler, Mars, has finally shifted into Cancer, ending 8 months of agitation. You may feel disoriented, as if you’re waking from a fever dream. Those of you born Mar 28-Apr 11 may be having a profound period of self discovery, and this month sees you diving deeper into that. You may be learning to check your ego and focus outward, to accommodate the needs of partners. Late Aries people may be on the precipice of making significant decisions that lead to a life chapter either ending or beginning. There may be major changes and surprises.

‘Change fatigue’ may be causing an existential exhaustion - you have been through a lot in the past 18 months! And while life is calmer, there’s reminders that there is still much to do before the North Node leaves in July, so summons your stamina and get back into making adjustments to problematic areas of your life. Agitation builds to a crescendo by April 20. Expect short journeys and paperwork hassles. Minimise this hassle by keeping on top of all your family & life admin before then. 

Good news Geminis! Mars has finally buggered off and you can go back to getting a bit of sleep and enjoying your social life more. Particularly from April 11, with the arrival of Venus, you can relax, have a laugh and seek a bit of romance. Your ruler, Mercury is also looking for pleasure, so it’s a good time to relax, try something new (with someone new) and chill. The retrograde brings the usual slow downs which could be welcome after a frenetic period.

After a quieter time, life may firing up. You may be involved in some emotional scenes this month, with outbursts resulting from frustrations caused by the baggage of those around you. You’re trying to move forward, but they may be naval gazing, and dwelling on past dramas. This peaks around April 7, particularly for those of you born July 4-12. Any grudges can be healed around Anzac Day, with lovely self-improvement energy at this time.

Early Leos (Jul 23 - 27) may now be feeling under pressure as Pluto tightens the screws. This may impact partnerships (including with your boss). Work situations may be highlighted, particularly around the April 20 eclipse. Generally this month has you motivated and seeking self improvement. Insights are possible all month with a lovely period around April 12 that has your confidence and optimism sky-high. Beware of irrational moments late month.

You’re quieter this month Virgos, with life running smoothly. Saturn set up house in Pisces (your opposite sign) last month, so there is now some pressure to integrate this energy. This is just the start of a two year period that could be about restructuring partnerships, and learning when to use your natural powers of analysis and when to trust your instincts. Both strategies are useful! And combining the two of them is a superpower. Finding ways to physically manifest this may be on your mind after April 20.

Feeling forgotten? For months you’ve felt a little ignored and out of the loop. There’s been challenge and compromise needed and it’s not always gone your way. Some of your equilibrium is restored this month and the April 6 full moon brings a burst of warmth from loved ones that has you feeling seen and appreciated. From mid month you’re back to a chattier version of yourself, keen to socialise. New friends may offer fantastic conversation and growth opportunities. Work opportunities may present.

Recent months has seen you diving deeply into the quieter corners of your life, digging out, editing and letting go of the things you’ve outgrown. That work starts to pay off in April, with energy and discipline helping you to finish unpleasant tasks. There’s a bit more fun to be had, and a sense of being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This month’s eclipse bypasses you - which is blessed relief after an intense 18 months.

April brings a burst of energy as your ruler, Jupiter, parties with Chiron and the Sun. You’re feeling on top of the world, and able to overcome anything. You may have been focusing on self development recently, with excellent results. Make the most of fiery energy prior to April 21. From there the year slows down - these next few weeks are perfect for pushing forward and making major gains towards your goals. 

Life is good, Capricorns. Some of the tension of recent years has eased somewhat, and life feels ‘juicier’, with an influx of emotions and heightened connection. It’s like you’ve found your place in the new world and with the pressure off, you can shift from looking inwards to outwards. And guess what?! While you’ve been gone, the world has dreamt up all kinds of exciting opportunities. Use this month to dip your toe in and see what makes you smile.

OK people. Pluto has arrived. Saturn is gone. How are you going? I’m keen to know if you’ve felt anything. I’m expecting fresh perspectives bringing important changes in direction. Any sense of feeling ‘stuck’ should be loosening. It’s like you rummaged through your handbag, couldn’t find your keys, and was just about to climb through a window before spying them laying on the footpath. Things that felt unattainable may now be within your sight and fate may be about to take over and help you open all sorts of doors.

Take care this month as you adjust to Saturn’s arrival. It may bring lowered energy levels and some days of feeling a bit down. Both your co-rulers are a bit under pressure, so plan plenty of self care. There are some fabulous days (April 12, 25) which would be great for catch ups and events that require a bit more energy. You period of introspection has begun and needs to be respected.


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Pluto enters Aquarius