Pluto enters Aquarius

What's all the fuss about Pluto moving into Aquarius?

You’re probably all Pluto’ed out by now with every astrologer BANGING ON about the dwarf planet’s shift into Aquarius (March 23, 11:24pm AEDT). Pluto rules obsessions, fear and foreboding, so it makes sense that we’re all a bit edgy and uncomfortable with just what this shift of energy might mean. 

You can relax though - we won’t wake tomorrow within a new reality ruled by AI overlords. Life tomorrow will look like life today. This transition is actually slow - Pluto moves back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn until November 2024. By THEN we’ll be really starting to understand the stories of this new era.

Astrologers often try to anticipate the future outcome of a transit by looking at the history of what happened the last time this influence occurred. Read through this list whilst keeping in mind the keywords for Pluto (power, control, transformation, revelation) and Aquarius (society-wide organisation, rebellion, progress, technology, air travel, humanitarianism, equality, individualism).

Events from the last Pluto in Aquarius (1778-1798)…

  • American War of Independence

  • French Revolution

  • Start of the Industrial Revolution

  • Discovery of Uranus (the first planet found with a telescope)

  • Serfdom abolished by the Pope

  • Modern banking is established

  • The last witchcraft sentence served (Switzerland)

  • Rebellion against the East India Company

  • Parachutes and hot air balloons invented

  • Australia was invaded by the Europeans

  • Foundations of socialism

  • Modern women’s movement begins with a march at Versailles

  • ‘Guilds’ birth the early Union movement

  • US Presidential elections begin modern democracy

  • Anti-slavery movement begins

There were wars and uprisings aplenty, natural disasters, power struggles and inspiring leaders ushering in new ways of thinking and organising ourselves.

So you can see why people are getting worked up about what the next 20 years could hold. There’s a precedent of society being restructured, often momentously, in order to create a fairer system, based on progressive thinking.

But tomorrow morning, when we wake with our first taste of this energy, expect your coffee to still be brown, the kids to still be unhelpful and life to feel exactly the same. But just know, that a whole new era HAS dawned and life will be immeasurably different by 2043.


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