Mars finally chills out

Mars chills out

Dig out your diaries and see what you were doing on October 30th last year. Look for a week or two either side and see if something in your life went a bit pear-shaped at that time. Perhaps a delay with a renovation, an injury, tension in a relationship or a run-in at work. And have a think about whether this triggered a frustrating period, where you were needing to tell yourself to breathe deeply, nod and smile to keep your s**t together. Patience, people, patience! 

Whatever it was, hopefully the story shifted a little from January. Perhaps you found a new tradesman, were calm enough to restart communications with someone, or started a new medical treatment.

The good news is that these ongoing irritations finally end this week, and you’re ‘set free’, able to genuinely move on. Take a moment to reflect on the story arc in your life - perhaps this frustrating period of time has actually been helpful, with delays gifting you the space you needed to reconsider something and now you can take a pathway forward that will be ultimately be more rewarding.

What’s the astrology of all this? Well, on Thursday, Mars returns to 25º 36’ of Gemini where it turned retrograde last year. So we are wrapping up an 8 month story arc. One part of your life has been way too ‘hot’ and can now finally cool down.

Gemini Sun people and all the mutable signs (Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo) will notice this shift strongly. 

Do you know which zodiac sign is on your ASCENDENT? If yes, use this list to get clues around which life topics have been activated under this influence…

Communication & thinking, short journeys, education, siblings. (eg. Fighting with your sister, problems with your car engine blowing up).

Financial issues, particularly regarding income streams. (eg. Problems with getting your invoices paid, which impacts your ability to spend on the things you want!)

Your physical body, the way you’ve connecting to the world. (eg. You’ve been bloody cranky and not afraid to let people know. Arguments have been frequent, people have been a bit scared of you).

Secrets and the hidden bits of life, such as spirituality and karma. (eg. Events may have felt like the universe has been ganging up on you. There may have been hospital stays and enforced isolation).

Friends, peer groups, expectations for the future. (eg. A run-in at a gathering has had ongoing ramifications, friends have been cranky or challenging you in a frustrating way).

Career, goals, reputation. (eg. Some career mishap or you were passed over for promotion. Your boss has been antagonistic).

Overseas travel, higher learning, publishing. (eg. Travel plans have been thwarted, a course you wanted to start was postponed).

Big life ‘stuff’ such as shared finances, inheritances, deaths. (eg. Someone may have passed away quickly. Squabbles over estates).

Partnerships of all kinds. (eg. You and your partner have been arguing non-stop, a business partner has been aggressive or provocative).

Workplace, health, pets. (eg. Arguments with co-workers, an ongoing illness or ailment, trouble with your guinea pig turning feral).

Hobbies, romance, creative projects. (eg. Your new bf turned nasty, a part to fix your telescope got lost, everyone you’ve dated wanted sex only, or you’ve wanted sex only!)

Home, family. (eg. Delayed renovations, troubles with property transactions or tradies, arguments with kids or parents).

Don’t know your Ascendent sign? Book in for a session! Or use a free tool to draw up your chart, such as

And let me know what’s been happening in the comments - I love to hear about astrology in action!


Pluto enters Aquarius


Saturn is in Pisces until 2025!