The 42 files

Screenshots of 42 year olds in the news

Ever noticed how many people in the news are 42? Start looking and you'll notice a fascinating array of 'events' befalling this age group. Some events are horrible, some are amazing, but it's usually sudden, shocking, out-of-the-blue stuff.

There's an astrological explanation... in our early 40s we all have our 'Uranus opposition' - the classic mid-life transit that shakes life up. There's divorces, affairs, accidents, wins, losses and resignations as people break free, create change or have a brush with fate.

The intensity of your Uranus opposition depends on your natal birth chart, which is why we all experience it a little bit differently (and why some sail through without any issues at all).

Usually it's the Universe getting you out of your rut and realigning you with your bigger purpose. Often the urge is to explode your whole life! But try to keep perspective and make strategic, small changes that feel authentic but allow a bit of fresh air.

As always, your friendly neighbourhood astrologer can talk you through the timing of your Uranus Opposition. Good luck!


Aries Solar Eclipse


Science has proved that astrology is real!