Aries Solar Eclipse

Thursday’s Solar Eclipse (2.12pm AEST, 29deg Aries) is the week’s astrological crescendo, and you may feel the tension building in the lead up.

Monday’s Pisces moon lulls us into the week, tempting us to escape into fun chats and warm hearted moments. Shopping and pretty things may be preoccupying us - it’s nice energy for planning a winter wardrobe or spending too long trawling recipes for delicious meals to cook.

Once the Moon skips into Aries late morning on Tuesday, the proper show gets underway. We have 48 hours to wallow and contemplate life, without any push to actually take action. The eclipse will likely have us unsettled. It’s in the last degree of Aries and squares power-planet Pluto. It’s about as feisty as it gets. Luckily Mars, the eclipse ruler, is in Cancer, watering things down somewhat. Although this is classic passive-aggressive territory and you may find your frustrations at family members and domestic situations seeping out in unhelpful ways. No one may be quite able to say what they really think.

Adds to the miscommunication vibes, Mercury turns retrograde later in the week, sitting close to Uranus, a planet that can trigger about turns and odd events, and this all adds to the air of frayed nerves and ill-considered outbursts. Sitting in Taurus, it strongly impacts those born May 3-10, Scorpios born November 5-12, Aquarians born February 1-7 and Leos born August 5-11.

The rest of us can expect delays that gift us the space to revisit details in whichever area of your chart ruled by Taurus (that’s a lovely positive spin on it). Whatever happens, it’s brief, so don’t get too bothered.

Financial markets may be bumpy over the next few weeks. For more details, sign up to my monthly newsletter, which is out this week…

Special mentions:

This is the second Aries New Moon in 2023, and accompanied by a Solar Eclipse is really a restart point. Take a moment to contemplate your current situation. Is everything on track? Or do you need to make an adjustment? Perhaps it’s time to dust off old plans, and allow yourself to reconnect with any forgotten dreams. The energy is primed and ready for you to reorient yourself in some way. Jupiter is adding verve and you should utilise the added optimism before May 17.

Mercury retrograde takes place in your sign, so for the next few weeks, pay attention to details and don’t assume that people have understood your meaning. Double check appointment times, and if things do go wrong, just have a smile and remember that everything straightens out from mid-May. This month’s newsletter is all about Taurus season, so remember to sign up!

Pluto has hovered in your sign for a few weeks now. How are you feeling? Stronger? Empowered? Focused? Fearful? All of these are possible and perhaps you’re a bit of a hot mess combination of them all. Things that once seemed rock solid may feel shakey. You’re a natural at lateral thinking and a rational, slightly detached mindset will be useful to deal with any irrational situations (or people) that crop up in coming weeks.

Australia does get a decent view of this eclipse. But remember, unless you've got super human powers like Donald Trump, never look directly at the Sun!


Lunar eclipse week


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