Lunar eclipse week

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Is it just me, or has this Mercury Retrograde proven quite tricky? Mercury Retrograde impacts us for 9 weeks each year (3 times x 3 weeks), so I usually I take a ‘be alert, not alarmed’ approach. It’s impractical to always avoid buying stuff or signing documents (as many astrologers advise). And while frustrations often occur with travel, paperwork, traffic and electronics, usually we skate through well enough.

However this one in Taurus is testing my patience. Taurus rules material resources, food, money and comfort in general and there’s a distinct prickle in the air. Interestingly this retrograde cycle began at the same degree as this week’s eclipse. Fast planets are often ‘triggers’, so it’s probably not a huge surprise that this period has felt so complicated.

Tuesday is the half way point in the cycle and may bring a sense of overwhelm. Avoid the urge to throw your toys and sulk off, although I won’t dob on you if you ditch any ‘no wine on weekdays’ rule.

Wednesday/Thursday is calmer, with a Libra Moon returning us to equanimity. From Friday we build to the week’s astrological strongman, which is a Lunar Eclipse across 15 degrees Scorpio/Taurus (May 6, 3.34am, AEST).

Those of you with strong Scorpio and Taurus placements are no doubt fed up with all the circumstances of the past year or so, and keen for some resolution. This cycle is urging you to make change - however both of these signs are ‘fixed’ in nature, and not prone to welcoming sudden shifts. This eclipse could be a moment where the universe seems to intervene, bringing events that force the necessary changes that will help to wrap up ongoing issues.

Generally, in Sydney, this eclipse falls over the 2nd/8th houses, so we can all expect sudden ideas or changes of opinion or challenges that impact finances and income. Our sense of safety may be under threat and defences may flair. There is the potential for secrets to emerge quite suddenly. Perhaps your spouse has a hidden credit card (or perhaps you do). Perhaps there are consequences as a result of missing details, not paying bills or muddling up financial transactions. Drama is possible.

This eclipse shuts the cycle for the next six months and reflecting this, by Sunday the skies are much looser and more fun. Avoid over scheduling your social life this weekend - play things by ear and seek out fun, unexpected conversations and events.

Special mentions:

You’re in the limelight this week, with some kind of urgency around finally taking action and making change in an area of your life. Get your head out of the sand and do so. You’ve got until mid July to really steer your course. Keep you higher purpose in mind and be brave. Uranus still hovers in your sign for another couple of years, so any changes you resist now will be actioned anyways. Stay in charge and head towards a goal of a more authentic, liberated you.

It’s an emotional week, where you may be fearing for your security in some way. Partners could be acting a little out of character, contributing to the sense that your status quo is under threat. This may be financial or emotional in nature. Either way, your defence is generally to attack, perhaps by stealth. This game comes naturally, but the resulting drama may not be helpful. Switch tacts, and try to negotiate with family and loved ones with a generosity and kindness that protects them and in turn, you.

You’ve had a good run, with big breakthroughs and the potential for deep self discovery over recent months. The next few weeks continue these themes and bring a conclusion to some projects. Family and real-estate are in the spotlight. Finish up any jobs around the house and check in with loved ones to ensure that they’re all feeling as good about things as you are.

With Pluto starting to backtrack this week, it’s time to examine any topics that have emerged over the past month or so. Ponder them, and jot down your thoughts. These topics may fade for a while now, but you can expect more developments around them from January 2024.


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