Mum wars

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Dig out your Carol Brady wigs this week as Zodiac sign Cancer takes centre stage, bringing a nurturing New Moon that smacks of love and devotion. With Venus & Jupiter in the mix there’s a confidence and buoyancy that has us loved up and blissed out. With life looking perfect, you might find yourself lacking objectivity as you revel in your smugness. Just like super-mum Carol, who always knew the right thing to say and do, you might feel like the expert on all topics to do with your family. And sure, sometimes it’s essential for you to be your family’s advocate, but beware that you need to stay humble and listen to others.

Later in the week a darker Mars/Pluto contact is much more stabby. Combined with Saturday’s Leo moon, it’s far more Cirsei from ‘Game of Thrones’. Coinciding with Mercury (thinking) and Saturn (structures), it’d be the perfect week to plot your enemy’s downfall in some dramatic/spectacular “accident”. Stationary Neptune (illusion/deception) is also in the mix, which brings the perfect ‘alibi’ energy. So basically you can plot, murder and lie your way out of most things.

But obviously, this scenario isn’t ideal. Instead, perhaps just host a ‘Game of Thrones’ party with mulled wine and food on skewers. This also uses the energy quite nicely and won’t land you in jail.

Special mentions...

Cancer (particularly if your birthday is this week)
It’s a great year ahead. All of the positive Carol Brady energy will permeate. You’re feeling confident and together as your strive out into a new year. The energy is perfect for starting a new project, or phase.

All Cancers can benefit from this restart energy as this new moon is a lovely gift from the Universe that will highlight the matters of the house where it falls in your chart.

Your co-ruler Neptune turns retrograde this week. Nothing too weird here - it happens every year. Expect to feel some of your recent energy ebbing a little as your focus turns more inward. Perfect time for putting on the kettle, getting lost in a book or working on the seed of a creative project.


Astrology July 4-10, 2022


Winter Solstice