The Astrology of La Nina

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology has just officially welcomed back La Nina for the third time since 2020.

After years of drought that culminated in horrific bushfires, we were initially pretty happy to see her. But now, two rain-soaked years later, the thought of her returning for a third time is pretty depressing. So what does the astrology say? Is the rain actually returning?

This La Nina event seems to be tracking with planets activating Pisces.

Keep in mind that the planets all move in the same direction through the zodiac, taking different amounts of time to ‘circle’ through, depending on how far they are from the Sun. It’s like a race, with some plodding slowly, taking years to move through one sign, and others constantly lapping them, moving right through in just a year or more.

Neptune takes 165 years to do a whole zodiac circuit. This planet rules all liquids (including water, oil, alcohol) and has been sitting in Pisces since 2011. 

Pisces is co-ruled by Neptune and relates to similar areas - it’s like a watery life filter - it’s emotions, self-sabotage, compassion, empathy, transcendence and a loss of boundaries. 

When we put Neptune and Pisces together we get a pure whammy of ‘wet’ energy - seeping into everything, un-contained. It’s like an incoming tide, washing into every nook and cranny.

However after a decade-long drought, just Neptune in Pisces doesn’t explain La Nina. But if we also look at Jupiter, things start to get more interesting. 

Taking 12 years to circle the zodiac, Jupiter is a planet that expands and inflates everything it touches. It brings luck, blind optimism, generosity and risk-taking. It encourages you to eat the WHOLE PACK of Tim Tams, to overextend your finances (she’ll be right!), to take on running a whole marathon without bothering to do any training. Jupiter makes everything larger than life. When Jupiter joins Neptune, our incoming tide becomes more of a tsunami.

In May 2021, Jupiter moved into Pisces, joining Neptune there for the first time since 1856.

This Jupiter/Neptune meetup in Pisces is happening three times - the dates are
• May - July 2021
• December 2021 - May 2022
• October 2022 - December 2022

The Weather bureau put these dates around La Nina…
• Sep 2020 - March 2021
• Nov 2021 - June 2022
• And now they’re predicting another event over the Spring of 2022.

So you can see the correlation. 

Jupiter and Neptune were exactly conjunct (together at the same degree) in April. This is a culmination point. At the same time, those quick inner planets were also in Pisces. In March/April, we had the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune all travelling through Pisces. And that coincided with the worst of the east coast floods in Australia.

Elsewhere in the world, the influence manifested differently - most notably this Jupiter/Neptune cycle is also associated with monetary inflation. 

Jupiter returns to Pisces for the final time on October 29 and lingers until December 20. I would expect the La Nina to last for a similar period. However no other planets are here during this time. So I would expect this to be a much milder weather event than what we experienced at the peak of the cycle earlier this year.

The Verdict? Keep the raincoats handy for the rest of 2022, but look forward to sunnier skies after Christmas.


Libra New Moon


Astro weather Sep 5-11, 2022