Astro weather Sep 5-11, 2022

It’s a gentle few days, with the waxing Moon in Capricorn and Aquarius providing perfect conditions for working and making practical plans. Venus shifts into Virgo today, so any recent relationship flashpoints may calm down. This energy is analytical and helpful, if perhaps a bit prone to overthinking.

The big astrological action happens next weekend, with a full moon on Saturday (7.59pm AEST). It looks like a really interesting lunation, with connections in to the Moon’s nodes and Uranus. Could be an excellent night for socialising, with impulsive and unexpected conversations that open up friendships in interesting ways. It’s a good night for going on a first date, but with Pisces strong, avoid drinking too much - things could get away from you quite easily.

Mercury retrogrades next Saturday and we’ll feel that energy coming in all week. As always, don’t ‘assume’ anything - double check details and triple check that people are understanding what you think you’re saying. But don’t be scared of it.

This does mean that by next weekend we have seven retrograde planets. Life is slowing down. Don’t expect much progress - circumstances could feel ‘sticky’ for a few weeks. Try to go with the flow and find gratitude for any hiccups - they may be very helpful pauses that give you space to recalibrate. It has been a crazy year, so this new pace might be a complete blessing.


The Astrology of La Nina


Virgo New Moon