Virgo New Moon

Virgo season arrives tomorrow, and we are all susceptible to a bit of overthinking during this week. It’s a deep, active, looking-for-answers type of energy that is increasingly driven by emotions as the days roll by. Combined with the Balsamic moon, it’s nice energy for really investigating something and getting to the root of the problem.

Uranus shifts into retrograde motion on Wednesday - now all the outer planets, from Jupiter to Pluto, are in their annual ‘backwards’ phase, which signifies a slower, more introspective time. If you like travelling at high speed, then this phase may feel frustrating, but if roller coasters and fast cars scare you senseless, then this time may be welcome. The year has been pretty crazy so far, so we’re now encouraged to reflect and settle down for a while. This energy makes things feel a bit sticky for the next two months, with the momentum not turning until later in October. It’s a good time for lateral thinking and being clever in where you focus your energy.

All this navel gazing puts us in a good position to benefit from the Virgo New Moon on Saturday (6.17pm AEST). Sitting in the 6th house of daily routines, work, service and health, it’s the perfect time to instigate new habits that support our wellbeing. Go full Virgo with this one - write a list, make a plan and focus on the detail of how you can make improvements in your life that will help you thrive. This New Moon acknowledges that our overall quality of life depends on the tiny little choices that we make all day, every day.

If pondering ‘what could I do better’ seems too self-defeating, focus on ‘what can I stop doing’, as a nice roundabout way of looking at things. Mars squares this Moon, ensuring ‘action’ and ‘doing’ are centre stage.

Special mention:


People with birthdays this week may be experiencing a practical time of capable, penetrating and powerful thinking. The year ahead should be compassionate and deeply transformative. The energy really supports your ‘Virgo’ traits - it’s a year for you to enjoy and benefit from your natural organisation and analysis skills.


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