Astro weather 15-21 Aug, 2022

It’s a scratchy start to the week as the Sun opposes Saturn, and Mars conjuncts tricky fixed star Algol and trines Pluto. It’s a momentous, hard-to-keep-a-secret type of energy with insights and revelations possible. It seems like a perfect culmination to a fortnight of some pretty difficult stuff - hasn’t the news been full of grim incidents! Lots of unexpected and shocking (Uranus) moments of violence (Mars). Thankfully that configuration all finally starts to break up this week.

Midweek sees things turn around, with some flashes of brilliance possible around ways to tackle plans and procedures. It’s great energy for rethinking your approach to how you get stuff done.

Friday might bring a little emotional wobble as we absorb the emotional residue of any recent events - it has been a hectic time, so be kind to yourself.

The biggest news this week is Saturday’s ingress (fancy jargon for when planets change signs) of Mars into Gemini. Usually Mars whips through a sign in 6 weeks - but due to a retrograde cycle, Mars will remain in Gemini until next March. That’s right people, you read correctly - instead of 6 weeks in Gemini, Mars will stay here for 7 months!

Gemini rules communication, thinking, ideas, mindset, short term travel, shopping, trading, contracts, mobile phones and devices. Mars brings action, aggression and energy. So combined, you can expect active thinking and a restlessness wherever this falls in your chart (I wrote about ‘houses’ last week). The news might be full of aggressive speech, militaristic threats, and a general snappiness. It’s also a curious and agile energy, so most of these outbursts should be bluster - Gemini isn’t known for staying power - it moves on, constantly looking for the next distraction.

Special mentions:

The Mars ingress will have you all the ‘z’ words - razzed, frazzled, zipping about. Familiarise yourself with the energy and try to instigate some coping strategies. It’s a ‘running a sprint’ type of vibe - but we’re actually going to be running a marathon, so you’ll need some self-care in place to avoid burn out.

Mars is opposing you until next March, so there’s friction and a sense of obstacles getting in your way. You may be feeling agitated and eager to get on with things, but feeling blocked and defeated. Lateral thinking might come in handy over the next few months, as will strategies for how to deal with argumentative people. Heads down!


Virgo New Moon


It’s climax week!