It’s climax week!

Super interesting skies this week, bring us to a climactic highlight for 2022. Last week I compared it to childbirth, but today, let’s switch the comparison to orgasms - which better convey the potential revelation and satisfaction that could await us.

For sure, Tuesday’s Mars/Uranus/South Node is intense. If you have personal planets around 18 degrees of fixed signs, or are born near or on May 9, Aug 11, Nov 11 or Feb 7, then I would expect something really interesting to take place. (If you have time, get in touch and let me know about it - astrologers love to gather anecdotes about how configurations manifest.)

For everyone else, find 18 degrees Taurus in your birth chart and check out the HOUSE where it occurs. Houses are geometric overlays on your astrology birth chart, and the 12 houses indicate different life topics. For me, this configuration falls in house 3 - so insights, revelations, and events may feature 3rd house topics such as short journeys, my local neighbourhood, my mindset, education or my siblings (house topics can be broad!). Got your house? Now approach those topics with caution - Mars and Uranus will be tempting crazy into that area of your life.

Surrounding this big configuration is some less intimidating energies. Today, a Sun/Jupiter trine is absolutely delightful - it is positive and ‘can-do’, wanting to take you on adventures of self discovery. And it’s possible that deep insights and personal truths may be revealed in coming days. Venus also connects in, so we might experience helpful relationship insights. Perhaps the truth really breaks us out of some relating ruts - it’s a good week to try something new (have you watched ‘How to Build a Sex Room’ yet?).

All shocks and changes do need some emotional integration - and next weekend the Moon skips through Scorpio and forces us to respond and emotionally integrate the week’s events. Take your time and feel your way through.

So this week may be quite the ride - enjoy the culminating energy - seek out your moments of personal epiphany - then return to the world reenergised, with your secret little post-climax satisfied smile.

No special mentions this week - it’s big for us all.


Astro weather 15-21 Aug, 2022


Uranus/Mars contractions begin!