Uranus/Mars contractions begin!

Planetary alignments are a bit like childbirth. You’re pregnant for ages, and you know what’s coming (like Astrologers have been waiting for this fortnight all year). The due-date arrives, your waters break and at first it’s all fine - you’ve still got your sense of humour and you’re cracking jokes about naming your kid ‘Sa-tan’ and all seems like it’s going to be fine… That’s basically where we are today (Monday) with a friendly Venus/Jupiter contact coinciding with a chatty Gemini Moon that is great for laughs and catch ups.

Soon though, labour kicks in and you start to understand what you’re in for. It starts to hurt. Both you and your partner regret that fun little liaison that got you here. As the hours go on, the pressure and pain builds.

And that’s what our week ahead looks like. We’re building to a planetary crescendo of Uranus, Mars and the Moon’s Nodes next week, on August 2nd (Tuesday). That will be labour-proper - the full guttural screaming bit when we turn into crazed she-beasts. Stay tuned.

In the lead up to then, this week is about 5-10cm dilation. It’s tense. Purposeful. Focused.

Mercury and Mars square off - beware arguments and yelling regrettable things (just like labour - I’m still apologising to my husband 15 years later). The fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - will be taking the brunt of this energy, so if you are born around May 5-13, Aug 6-14, Nov 7-13, Feb 3-14 (or have a personal planet or point around 15-20 degrees fixed) then I would expect you to have some challenges, insights and unexpected moments over the next 10 days.

Within this energy, a New Moon in Leo (Friday 3.55am AEST) has some lovely opportunities for doing something positive with the agitation around you. It reminds us that ultimately, like childbirth, this configuration will pass, and we’ll be left wide-eyed, emotion-filled, and ready for the future.

Special mentions:

Leos get the best opportunities around this energy with Friday’s new moon offering a powerful restart button. It seems likely that you can channel this wildness into something positive - birthing a new thing of some kind that will bring you much joy (if a little hard work) in the future. Beware of being too bossy.

This energy is challenging for Taureans, who like a quiet life of simple comfort and occasional indulgence. You may act out of character this week, with a strong drive guiding you to take matters into your own hands. Don’t question things too much - the North Node is urging you reshape life to align with your highest good, so go with the flow as much as you can.

There’s a sense that life is happening TO you at the moment. Something (most likely, someone) is acting as an adversary, leaving you with little choice in how events play out. It’s also possible that you’re acting as your own worst enemy, or you refusing to budge on something is risking a future stoush of epic proportions. Perhaps step down and see if you can work your way AROUND a problem.

Life is just a bit tense right now. Especially for you February babies, things might just feel frustrating, problematic and stuck. There may be the chance to discuss things or gain fresh insights from a different perspective later in the week, but be really careful to keep conversations open - they could easily escalate into being unhelpful.


It’s climax week!


It’s a yin & yang week