Libra New Moon

Libra New Moon image

Did you wake with a sense of fresh hope this morning? Perhaps things looked a little more sparkly, your toast was particularly delicious, or you found yourself humming a cheery tune? A Libra New Moon at 7.54am (AEST) may have soothed away the usual Mondayitis.

This annual new moon fits nicely with Spring. It brings an openness to beauty, friendships, socialising and joy. It’s harmonious and relationship focused. For those of us on the East Coast of Australia, it’s an 11th house affair, further reinforcing the themes of friendships, colleagues and hopes for the future. There’s a constructive sense of possibility. Set intentions today.

Jupiter and Venus (Libra’s ruler) both make contact to this lunation, adding to the sense of buoyancy and generosity. Pluto ramps up the intensity of our interactions, stopping this month from being too superficial. But Mercury Retrograde may mean that not all of our well intentioned communications hit the mark. Your effusive efforts in relationships may work better with friends than lovers. Partners may not quite understand or respond to your gestures as you would like.

So surround yourself with pleasantness this week - buy flowers, pop on the kettle and invite a friend for tea. With so many planets still retrograde, it’s soothing to be able to settle in to this energy and just enjoy the moment.


Aries Full Moon


The Astrology of La Nina