Capricorn Full Moon

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Today’s Full Moon highlights the Capricorn house of your chart. Welcome in your manifesting super powers around these topic areas. Take a moment to celebrate yourself and your efforts to chip away towards your goals. Each moment of effort is bringing you closer to results and rewards. Well done you!

Energetically this is a calm, useful week, with Sun/Mercury focused on relating and family - it’s great for talking with loved ones about deeper matters. The Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo completes its fiery few weeks of fun. Their impulsivity squared to Uranus is why I’ve seen so many road accidents in the past fortnight - so take it easy this week while that influence still lingers.

Special mentions:

The North Node is wrapping up its 18-month transit through your sign and with Jupiter also in your sector, expect some kind of culmination and opportunity to emerge that completes your shift into a new phase of your life. Think back to the beginning of 2022 - how has life changed since then? Take time to mark the journey and all of your achievements - you’re nearly there!

Those of you in your birthday week have some brilliant stars for the coming year. Jupiter brings a helping hand to assist you towards your goals and generally you should be feeling optimistic and buoyant about the future. Today’s Full Moon ties together your conscious and subconscious needs - helping you to feel cohesive, strong and fully alive.

While Taureans have pushed ahead over the past 18 months, you’ve had the opposite end of this influence with the South Node grinding through your sign, stripping out your life, forcing you to edit and adjust in some way. Each of us experience this influence once every 18 years and it’s useful for keeping our lives authentic and fresh. You’re right at the end of something now, soon the rebuild phase can begin. Give thanks and make room for fresh starts.


How does the Moon impact you?


It’s getting hot in here!