It’s getting hot in here!

venus and mars in leo

Have you felt life slow down lately? A pile up of Taurus placements has sent us all diving for the doona, just as Winter settles over us.

Your response to this is likely to fall into two camps - 1. JOY. Life feels juicier, comfortable and you’re able to catch up on things, or 2. FRUSTRATION - as the momentum eases out of the year, you’re left with half done tasks and the sense that opportunities are drying up.

Whichever camp you’re in, this energy is here to stay for a while as we shift into retrograde season, with the outer planets keeping us corralled over the next few months. It’s an energy that you can still work with, but it’s more circuitous. There are definitely benefits too - having space and time to think things through can actually be pretty great.

Venus shifted into Leo on June 5, where she stays for 4 months. Mars is already in this sign and together they gift major SIZZLE. To understand how an energy manifests, it’s helpful to find people who have this placement in their birth chart. They live with this vibe permanently and embody the energy.

So here’s examples of folks who have both Venus and Mars in Leo… Monica Bellucci. Amy Winehouse. Salma Hayek. Donald Glover. Daniel Riccardo. Emily Ratajkowski. These are all pretty fun, pretty sexy people. They shine in the spotlight. They’re ok with you looking at them. They’ll look back. You sense that they know when they like something and that they’ll take a risk to chase after whatever they desire. And they’ll have a bloody good time on the way.

And that’s the energy that we all get to roll around with over the next month.

So channel your inner EmRat this week - pash on in a carpark with someone cute. Or saunter in and buy something at Honey Birdette. For a more wholesome manifestation, this energy rocks for performing - dance, theatre, singing. It’s great for delving into expressing yourself via any creative project.

When we add this sexy vibe to the more relaxed general energetic tone, life is looking pleasurable. ;)

Special mentions…

Happy birthday folks! The Venus story feeds into your sense of possibilities this month. You can see an attractive pathway leading you to something great! Should you take it? Of course you should - as if you could resist! But Saturn lurks, bringing a reality check at some point. There may be a few bumps along the road.

Venus starts her extended stay in your sign. Think back to 8 years ago. What was happening for you then? This retrograde period revisits themes and topics that surfaced then. There’s a rashness to this energy that can be hard to resist. Try to go with it as wisely as possible. Not everything that feels good is always the right thing to do…

Book now for an astrology consult in June! Both Zoom and in-person readings are such a great experience. I can’t wait to meet you…


Capricorn Full Moon


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