How to live in alignment with the Moon

The Moon Card in the Tarot

Out of all the planets that encircle us, it’s the Moon that impacts us the most closely. Changing signs every couple of days, and shifting from New to Full and back every month, its rhythms and cycles influence our moods, our energy levels and our menstrual cycles. So what’s the best way to work with it? 

Monthly lunations

Start off by using the Moon’s New and Full days as reset points. 

Use New Moons, with their moment of darkness and renewal, for intention setting. 
Note which Zodiac sign the New Moon is taking place in, and focus on topic areas that are associated with that sign. For instance the Gemini New Moon is perfect for setting intentions around education and learning, the Libra New Moon is the time to focus on relationships. Meditation and affirmations are particularly powerful at New Moons.

Use Full Moons, with their brilliant and mystical reflected illumination to bring topics to culmination. It’s the release point of the cycle. Again, look to the Zodiac sign, to locate which topics to focus on. Face any discomfort in this area. Shine a light to gain insight and understanding. Gain clarity and release what no longer serves you. Yoga is great at this time, as is working with crystals.

Journaling at both New and Full Moons can help to guide your thinking and reveal any subconscious truths that you’ve been ignoring. The act of writing down intentions allows you to define your desires and focus your thinking on exactly what it is you’re wanting to manifest.

The Monthly Moon journey

Once you’ve got the big ticket Moon events taken care of, it’s time to drill down deeper and gain understanding around how the monthly Moon cycle impacts your moods and emotions. Women are particularly tied to this influence - think about how the 28 day menstrual cycle ties in with the Moon.

Each week I publish a Moon calendar on FB and insta. Get into the habit of jotting down your daily moods and note which Zodiac sign the Moon is currently moving through. After a few months you’ll be astonished to note how regularly your feelings are tied in with Zodiac placements! 

For myself, I notice that I struggle to concentrate when the Moon travels through the mutable signs. However a Gemini Moon is the perfect time for my partner and I to go on a date and catch up with each other - we’re both super chatty for this couple of days. And the Pisces Moon is a time when I feel a bit defeated and have to practice extra self care and compassion.

While there are broad themes for each Moon sign, we’ll experience the specifics quite individually, depending on our natal astrology chart placements. The Moon travelling through your 12th house could be a vulnerable time each month. And the Moon’s monthly return to your its natal sign could prompt vitality and emotional wellbeing. 

Once you understand these rhythms, you can feel more in control of your emotional life, knowing why you’re feeling the way you do. It brings a mindful calm as you start to understand yourself at a soul level. 

Want to know more about your Moon? When you book a reading I’ll be studying this placement in depth and we’ll be able to explore all of the potential that it has - both in how you experience your emotional self and also in how you can use the monthly cycles to help co-create your best life. 

See you then!


It’s getting hot in here!


Jupiter/North Node conjunction - June 2