I’m excited about Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto settled into Aquarius today and doesn't leave again until 2043. On 'ingress' (planets changing sign) days, it's interesting to check the news, to see what stories are kicking off. These are likely to be ongoing themes for this placement. Here's the 'Pluto in Aquarius' stuff I've seen in the news today...

1. Train strikes in Sydney - This period will take the power from the elite and return it to the people. Last time we had Pluto in Aquarius, it was the French Revolution, and there'll be similar echos of society reorganising itself in a fairer ways. People grouping together and striking has been minimal in the last 15 years, but we're in for a new wave of unionism and people finding strength as a collective.

2. Science innovations - Aquarius is about technology and progressive ideas. There's a story on the SMH today - "The four Australian innovations that could save the world" discussing hempcrete, palm oil made from yeast, solar panel sharing and fertiliser made from renewable energy. All PERFECT, left field, Aquarian ideas.

People can be gloomy about Pluto - focusing on the destructive side of its influence (such as the fear and catastrophising around AI) and forget to be excited about the important transformations that can occur when it pushes and squeezes us towards new pathways. In Aquarius, we'll be seeing a bunch of INNOVATION, and personally I've got high hopes for solutions that tackle climate change, unconventional ideas for housing, transport and the next round of medical innovations.


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