Matthew Perry’s tricky astrology

Actor Matthew Perry’s premature death last weekend was a sad end to a tricky life. He was public about his ongoing problems with mental health and addiction - apparently he’d been to rehab 17 times but never quite found the key for ongoing sobriety.

We have an accurate birth time for him and his chart contains plenty of amazing AND difficult astrology. His Leo signature is strong - a Leo rising which makes the Sun the chart’s ruler. And in it’s own sign, this should be a powerhouse combination. It trines his Midheaven of career, suggesting the huge success available to him. Mercury is also strong in Virgo in the 2nd house. The grouping of South Node, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter shows his unexpected and transformative earning potential.

So all amazing, right!?! Well, there’s a couple of hitches.

The Sun has a close square to Neptune - that tricky planet of dreams, glamour, illusion, spirituality, creativity and escapism. Most famous Hollywood actors have Neptune prominent somewhere. It’s a real double-edged sword - the ability to lose yourself in an actor and tell a story, also can manifest as a desire to lose yourself into other less-fun stories such as drugs and alcohol. 

His intensive, obsessive Scorpio Moon opposes Saturn. Chiron sits in the 8th, which often brings an understanding of life’s darkness. It informs his Uranus and Jupiter, bringing the personal depth and vulnerability that he portrayed onscreen. 

He also has several difficult midpoints, including the Sun = Saturn/Mars - so he had the energy of both malefic planets pouring into his chart ruler.

Many believe that our souls choose the astrology chart that we need for the lessons we want to learn in this lifetime. It’s small consolation for his loved ones, but hopefully this incarnation provided wisdom that he can take onwards with him to a more peaceful place.

Safe travels, Matthew.


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