Pisces 2023 horoscope

2023 pisces horoscope

A new planetary influence dawns in Pisces this year - one that will impact the world for several years to come. Pisces people may find themselves swept up in the zeitgeist, as Saturn and Neptune both settle into your sign until 2026. Let’s investigate…

As we bid farewell to 2022, we’re also farewelling Jupiter from your sign. That’s an end to the ‘benefic’ influence of the previous 12 months that may have seen your life feeling juicy - a sense of opportunity unfolding in helpful ways and of being in the right place at the right time. Theoretically the combination of Jupiter (expansion) in your watery sign is a good influence. But how have you found it Pisceans? I’d be keen to hear your anecdotal evidence. You see, too much of a good thing can be a bit overwhelming. This same energy has been underlying the Australian floods and monetary inflation - both of which should settle down from now on.

The first quarter of 2023 looks to have nice social interactions, perhaps with people offering you practical help. February is also great for connecting with others. There may be a breakthrough in an ongoing issue within a close relationship. It might be a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ moment as you realise that problems can be fixed and everything will be ok. Particularly from March when Mars enters Cancer, you can assert yourself in clear, empathetic ways.

 The ‘new dawn’ gets underway from March 8 when Saturn transits into your sign where it will remain for several years. Gradually it will impact all of you, but this year the focus is on those of you born in February.

Saturn and Pisces are a curious combination - not natural partners - so let’s investigate how this could manifest for you.

Generally Saturn’s reputation is a bit stinky. It’s a bit of a downer, being in charge of boring stuff like discipline, work, tests, consequences, limitations and pessimism. Of course that stuff is all really important - it’s the ‘should’ in our lives - the planet that gets you up and out to the gym. It helps you to be patient while you work towards goals and helps you meet your obligations.  So it’s a double edged sword of hard and helpful.

This energy doesn’t sit so well in Pisces, which is nebulous and free, watery, spiritual, deep and emotional. So there may be some tricky moments in coming years for you, but it really CAN work in positive ways. You may experience a range of things like…

- A mastery of your emotions
- An expansion of your fears and anxiety
- Karmic motivations/spiritual turning points 
- A new humility which allows for fresh assessment of life and new beginnings
- A willingness to work hard and commit to both yourself and greater causes (like volunteering).
- Psychological/physic insights and a honing of your psychic skills

There are possible health implications with this pairing - it’s possible that chronic, hard to diagnose issues are exacerbated that could involve your skin or skeletal systems. This could impact your mental health and there could be moments of despair and/or depression.

Having knowledge of this influence now, allows you to instigate some ‘fixes’ that enable you to surf this Saturn wave positively. Sticking with them ensures you’ll ride out this energy confidently and avoid being dumped under the breakers. Things to put into place throughout 2023…

  • Try volunteering for causes that resonate with your value system.

  • Be willing to commit to plans for a couple of years.

  • Maintain awareness of your mindset and keep a positive attitude.

  • Instigate new routines that nourish your mind, spirit and body - try swimming, watersports, meditation, singing, music and other activities that bring positivity and joy.

  • Pursue activities for ‘solitude’. Art projects and creative ventures are perfect and should bring deep satisfaction.

  • Keep open communication with long-standing, well-trusted friends. You may find yourself confused at times, struggling to see the truth or reality in things. Good friends could prove helpful.

This is a time when dreams can be brought into manifestation. Use 2023 to formulate your strategies for how you can apply some hard work to harness this energy.

With that underlying influence playing out in the background, life does go on. There are lovely, heart-centred stars in early June, that bring enjoyable moments for those of you born Feb 10-20. 

Spring is active and energised. In particular, mid-October to mid-November is a good time to be more forthright and to take action around things. Perhaps you’ve been procrastinating or stalling about ending something - this is the perfect part of the year for exiting a job or relationship. 

The year ends with a burst of energy and some tension for those of you born Feb 19-27. Be sure to double check plans and details around holiday and travel itineraries - this will ensure a happy and harmonious end to the year.

In a nutshell: The earth shifts this year with Saturn’s arrival bringing both challenge and opportunity. Harness it and ride the energetic wave.

PEAK ‘I QUIT’ MONTHS - October, November.


Mars retrograde ends


Aquarius 2023 horoscope