Mars retrograde ends

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Mars ends its 10-week retrograde on Thursday, allowing us to hit play on a storyline that has been paused since October. 

Look to your birth chart and find the GEMINI house to gain insight on what life topics have been impacted - although it’s likely that you already know. Got a stalled house renovation? That’s the 4th house. Career disruptions? That’s the 10th house. Whatever it’s triggering, try to relax in the knowledge that resolutions are forthcoming and momentum is about to pick up again. 

Take a moment to examine these issues and ask yourself if this postponement might have been gifting you the space you needed to reassess some earlier decisions. Had you been on a path that was hastily scraped together and sacrificing your true goals? Now is the time to chase more authenticity. Do you really like that job? Perhaps you’d prefer a different paint colour in the kitchen? The topics don’t have to be life shaking! But making some different choices now may give you greater satisfaction in the future. You may end up thanking that delay.

On a global level, the Brazil riots this week are an interesting case study of Mars Retrograde in action. The General election ended on 30th October, 2022 - the same day the retrograde started. It’s taken all this time for supporters to rally their anger and direct it outwards. Of course this is a destructive, violent and illegal act. And that is what we need to watch for as Mars stations still over the next few days. Life may feel deluged with combat, force, heat and aggression as we regain our foothold on healthy self assertion. Watch for accidents and arguments - exacerbated by Mercury’s current retrograde which adds miscommunication to the mix.

Try to chill out - things smooth out within days and life should feel far more on track. Here on the beaches, the Sun is out - grab a G&T and soak up the last blast of Christmas vibes.


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