Astro weather, Feb 6-12, 2023

Astrology update Feb 6-12

Can you sense the positivity? February is a golden Astrological month - it abounds with helpful aspects that keep us motivated and focused. With all major planets currently chugging forwards, frustrations can be released and resolutions found. The Universe is charging forward and we can jump on for the ride. Basically it’s a ‘hallelujah moment’ - we’re back in charge of our lives! Expect things to start magically falling into place.

This week begins strongly with a Leo Full Moon at 5.28am Monday. It highlights self-development and reconnecting with your own inner strength. The focus is firmly on the self, but with a reminder that the most vital relationships thrive when inhabited by strong individuals.

Tuesday is perfect for letting your imagination run wild. Focus on your dreams for the year, and figure out how to break them down into attainable, workable chunks. Maybe write them down to help visualise and define details of what you want.

Make sure you communicate your goals to those around you. Wednesday is perfect for introducing different ways of relating with loved ones. Bring up new conversation topics and be prepared for unexpected relationship nuggets to emerge. 

With Venus involved, it’s also a fun opportunity to shop for something that’s a little out of your usual comfort zone. Always wanted gold platform shoes? Or a crazy sequinned suit? Go splash out on it mid-week.

We wrap up this positive week with an amiable Libra Moon overseeing a sociable weekend full of meaningful conversations and breakthrough moments. Get out and enjoy this week - It’s a good one!

Special mentions:

FINALLY Geminis, you’re back underway. There’s a pep in your step and a sense that everything is going to be ok, after all. Use Saturday’s intensity to do a deep dive into how you can best utilise this new positivity. You’ve got about six weeks to really capitalise on this surge of energy - don’t waste it. The energy is good for taking on projects that require physical stamina. You may be feeling sexier than usual too. ;)

Use particularly sweet stars on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday to consolidate relationships and try to squeeze in a spot of mid-week socialising. There’s an underlying sense that something significant is afoot and you’d be right - lean into a difficult or confronting conversation this weekend to see what gets uncovered. Those of you born Sep 5-11 may be experiencing a particularly eye-opening time.

Drift into a lovely week of imagination and dreams. Let you mind delve deeply, and connect to inspiration, personal power and wisdom. Many of you have experienced a prolonged period of transformation in recent times, and can now relish this new phase of personal ‘sass’ that has you firmly back in control. For those of you born Jan 15-19, your difficult period is still underway. Tensions may come to a head this Saturday as the mental load of a situation threatens to become too heavy. Reach out to loved ones and understand that you have all the support you need to conquer any challenge.


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Mars retrograde ends