Astrology of the Turkish Earthquake

Could astrologers have predicted the terrible Earthquake that's taken place in Turkey?

Here's the chart - and there are plenty of clues for seismic activity. It's within 12 hours of a full moon (natural tension). It's squared by Uranus over there in the 5th house. Uranus is the 'great disruptor' planet that brings surprises, insights, and sudden events. Sitting in Taurus since 2018, the ruler of 'mother earth', we're currently experiencing a 7 year phase of all sorts of 'unusual' environmental situations. Climate issues have definitely gotten more extreme.

A square aspect brings tension, friction and challenge. In a personal reading, this is the 'rub' that makes you take action and instigate change. Which is why this full moon is great for individuals who are wanting to break free a little. But the earth 'breaking free' can be less welcome.

The Full Moon has just taken place across the 2nd/8th axis. The second is the material world, income, resources, values. The eighth is other people's resources, dramatic events, transformation and death.

Sadly in this instance, the astrology has triggered a tragedy. Mars (accidents, action) is Trine (easy) the Midheaven (status, reputation). Illustrating how sometimes 'easy' aspects can be very detrimental. Sadly, in charts for events and nations (Mundane Astrology), the Moon represents the people. Here, it's in the 8th house of death.

Could astrologers have predicted this? Well, yes and no. Yes, this Uranus in Taurus gives ample opportunity for these types of events to occur, and yes, the Full Moon is a logical stress point. But to pick the location is pretty much impossible. Entire countries were under these influences. You can't forewarn everyone about everything without being alarmist (and often wrong).

Forecasting work is a tricky balancing act - you want to avoid filling people with 'astrological anxiety', but you also want to give cautions when you feel they're needed.

And it's another reminder that Astrology is a process of 'co-creation'. We can live our chart consciously, taking deliberate action that fits our 'fate'. Using charts we can shape energy, benefit from it and find deep fulfilment. Ultimately though, we're all little at the whim of the Universe.

My heart breaks for those experiencing loss and devastation in Turkey and Syria today. I send my sincere love to everyone impacted.


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