Valentine’s Day romance

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How are you all? Feeling good? Enjoying this lively part of the year? Or feeling under pressure and gripping onto your saddle as life gallops along at a terrifying pace? 

There’s an emotional quality at the moment that may have you feeling a bit on edge. Primal instincts may be kicking in as you desperately try to integrate recent events. Monday’s intensity does ease midweek as a Sagittarius Moon adds optimism and a sense that you can tackle and overcome anything.

A Venus/Neptune conjunction on Tuesday/Wednesday is perfect for both creative projects and LOVE - you’ll be feeling inspired and enraptured by the potential of nearly everything. A rosy love-glow will permeate relationships just in time for Valentine’s Day. Honest feelings of romance will abound - it’s not just a schmaltzy token day this year! Buy the stupid stuffed bear, cry over a long-stemmed rose, eat the whole box of chocolates and enjoy a moment of saccharine sweetness.

The tone changes dramatically by Friday as a Capricorn Moon and a Sun/Saturn conjunction fling us back to reality. Any champagne-fuelled pledges will be thoroughly reassessed and details that you may have skimmed over will re-emerge and demand attention.

On the plus side, Friday night is a great night for catching up on bills and budget check-ins. This whole week is positive for some physical exercise and genuine efforts towards our personal wellness (Mars sextiles Chiron).

Saturday is a good night for lively chats as Mercury contacts Jupiter. It’s bringing in Air and Fire energy, so grab dinner with friends - but perhaps skip teppanyaki or anything with open flames! :D 

Special mentions:

There’s a shaky start to the week as emotions get the better of you and the weight of the world rests on your shoulders. This eases mid week and the weekend is a much more constructive vibe. Any sense of overwhelm will recede and you’ll feel more equipped to break tasks down into do-able pieces. Communicating your deeper secrets and fears may feel easier over the next few days.

Recent restrictions may be highlighted this week. Life may be filled with reminders of the rough couple of years that you’ve just endured. As Saturn finishes its stint in your sign (by mid-March), there may be a sense of ‘flashback’. Relax and rest assured that life frees up for you soon. On the plus side, this is a period of opportunity around themes of responsibility and work. Perhaps you’ll being tested in your workplace - lean in and see who you can impress over the next month or so.

Sweetness fills the air this week. You’re feeling romantic and keen to shower your beloveds with praise. It’s a lovely week for grand gestures - Valentine’s Day should be renamed ‘Pisces Day’ this year - it’s a juicy few days! Enjoy.


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