Positive energy is replacing the eclipse craziness…

The craziness of the past week has left many of us reeling and altered. Last Tuesday’s eclipse was a tricky one, and there’s been both news stories that have left us collectively grieving and also  personal events that have left many people stumbling. In Aries, conjunct Chiron, this eclipse rattled our core identity, our strength and our personal stories. We’re being redefined in some way and this isn’t always a comfortable experience. 

As the pioneer of the Zodiac, Aries personifies courage and self determination. Aries energy always brings CHOICE. Even during tough events, you are in charge and you have all the tools you need. 

If the world news is upsetting you, turn off the TV. If you’re unwell, caring for others or bogged down by something, get outside for 5 minutes. Look up. Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the Autumn brilliance. Remember that life is ALWAYS beautiful.

And I offer you some optimism amidst the crazy - this weekend brings a shift, with Jupiter and Uranus joining forces. This SHOULD be a good influence (a caveat - if Uranus is currently causing havoc in your chart, then the craziness will be exacerbated). For most of us, this is an interesting chance for inspiration and growth, for bravery to try something new or an indicator of an opportunity unfolding. This energy has been building for a couple of weeks, ready to lift us up after eclipse season.

We’ll all experience this in the TAURUS house of our charts (exact at 21 degrees Taurus). All Taureans can benefit, particularly those of your born May 9-16. 

If you are a SCORPIO born Nov 12-16, AQUARIAN born Feb 7-13 or LEO born Aug 11-16 then there is opportunity to be found if you can push through some friction or discomfort. 

If you are a VIRGO born Sep 11-17 or a CAPRICORN born Jan 8-15 then this influence offers real excitement and a step forward. Say YES to opportunities right now.

Take care,
Wendy x


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