Today’s Mars/Saturn conjunction

Feeling disgruntled today? Perhaps with a sense of tension and your skin not quite sitting right? There was an exact conjunction of Mars (action) and Saturn (restrictions) at around 6.30am Thursday (AEST), bringing a culmination of edgy energy that had been building for the last week or so. While planets often ‘conjunct’ at the same longitude degree, this pairing also met at the same celestial latitude (declination), so it’s a double doozy that we really have to pay attention to.

WHAT’S GOOD ABOUT THIS PAIRING? Grit and determination can prevail. You’re on track, going to plan, with the motivation to see things through. But it’s hard. Think of the prisoner digging an escape tunnel with a spoon - keep going, keep going, keep going.

WHAT’S BAD ABOUT THIS PAIRING? It’s a classic stop/go. You’re wanting to get moving, but can’t. Something is blocking your path. Perhaps our prisoner hits a boulder. Although with this influence happening in Pisces (which is notoriously watery and uncertain), he might dig into an underground lake that floods his cell.

And it’s annoying, because Tuesday’s eclipse was a demanding a fresh start, but immediately we’ve been thrown a curve ball. Try not to be discouraged, with the tricky energy now peaking, we can expect problems and obstacles to ease by mid next week.

People born March 3-8 will be particularly impacted, as will anyone with a personal planet or Ascendent around 14 Pisces.

Each of us is experiencing our two trickiest planets having a kiss and cuddle somewhere in our personal birth charts. Look to the position of Pisces in your chart for further house/topic information. For me, it’s 1st house (physical body) and I’m sick as a dog after flying back from the UK on Sunday. Apologies for my recent absence, I’ll try to get back on the blogging & social media bandwagon soon.


Positive energy is replacing the eclipse craziness…


Your 2024 Aries/Libra eclipse survival guide